Schwag 2.0

Once Eminem agreed to change the lyric from “Ivanka” Trump to “Tiffany” Trump, all was forgiven.

Pee tape is still undisputed number one, but footage of Eminem rapping along to the FBI agent’s deadpan recitation of his lyrics is making a strong play for “video that needs to see the light of day dear god please can’t we just have something good for a change because damn we’ve been suffering too long now and that

Harvey is a well known Trump supporter. Fuck all of them. 

If TMZ and the (spits on the ground) Enquirer didn’t, we would have proof of tRUmp raping the underage girl with Epstein and his numerous affairs. And could have had muuuuch more come out before the shit show “election”.

TMZ works for Agent Orange and his daughter wife.

Lol law does not equal morality. Literally the only difference is a camera involved. 

There is no way women in porn have more people lining up to stalk, harass, and investigate them than any C-list mainstream celebrity, let alone all those above them. 

There is no burden of proof, evidence, or certainty required to report suspected child abuse or neglect to CPS. The agencies in fact encourage reports of suspicions of abuse to be reported, erring on the side of caution in the interest of protecting children.

Ah 2019, the year in which being a prostitute is totally cool.

There will always be lunatics in the world and criminals and people who would harm others. Why would this particular group of people be afforded special privacy protections beyond and outside the norm of everyone else? Any actor in any paid role is identifiable and could be looked up, stalked, or threatened. The

Calling CPS is not “filing false police reports.”

Why, yes, yes it is. 

My name and entire salary history are public information. Every paycheck, if you really want. Even my e-mails! Ah, the glory of working for the government.

I actually waited for a review of She Said, but it's still nowhere to be found on Jezebel. Weird, right? Why review a book written by women and about women if you can bitch that a man didn't write this book instead? 

Telling them is useless.


If you choose to get fucked on camera, don’t expect to stay anonymous. Don’t be a whore. 

Many if not most people’s jobs are publicly available somewhere. Anybody who knows my name and location can pretty simply find out where I work and what my job title is. If your job is such that you don’t want people knowing who you are, perhaps you should be questioning your life choices. 

The autoplay videos need to go. We all understand your new corporate dick-for-brains are trying to destroy the company, but this is the fastest and most efficient way to bleed readership.

Her car wasn’t the only thing thirsty at that gas station.