Schwag 2.0

Honestly thought that pic of Anthony Kiedis was Ben Stiller and Will Farrell pretending to be old washed up rock stars for some unnamed movie coming out in 6 months. 

Yes, he is.  Which makes this SO much more disgusting.  

Isn’t this trash behind bars yet?

“Thanks Romantic Depot, I now know how to treat women with dignity and respect.”

Is #metoo ever coming for Kiedis? Dude was convicted of sexually battering a fan and admitted to statutory rape of a girl he knew was 14 in his autobiography. It’s perplexing to me that he’s still performing at things like the grammys.

Why Why Why???


Ricky, you can have the mustache, the shirt, or the shoes, but you cannot have all three. Seriously, what are thooooose? They look like Sketchers.

“And kids who were born during the Pitt-Paltrow years can now legally rent cars.”

I want one of the Duggar kids to write a book. There's enough of them, the odds are good. 

The Jackson family is the worst but they’re really being encouraged to defend MJ by his unhinged fans. They’re writing letters to Jordan Chandler asking him to defend MJ and starting petitions, demanding this film not be released. They’re going all out over this and I’m sure they’ve been harassing the

I 100% believe the victims. I always have. I change the station if one of his songs comes on the radio.

I had several people argue with me that it was not legal to keep my own name... which it definitely is. Or people make the ‘whipped’ noise to my husband or people simply sending me things addressed to Mrs Husbandslastname.

I’m always genuinely taken aback when a wife takes her husband’s last name these days. Especially young people. I genuinely thought no one did that anymore but they just...keep doing it.

They will receive neither, I suspect.

To the Jackson estate:

I wish one of Michael Jackson's kids would write a tell-all. There are several celebrity kids that I hope will write books about their parents, Tom Cruise's children are high up on that list, but Michael Jackson's are at the top

STFU Jackson family. 

I personally consider Jackson’s crimes and the fact that he never faced justice shameful, but to each their own idea of “shameful”, I guess.

Yeah the jackson family wants a meeting with HBO. And a few bags of money.