Schwag 2.0

They’re both lucky his injuries weren’t more serious. Skiing accidents can be fatal, and leaving the scene was unforgivable.

I refuse to judge him for finding love while taking care of his wife who is no longer herself.

That guy was big, angry, and laying out people with his punches. Are we REALLY that surprised no one would jump in on that dude once those women hit the ground?!

Fuck that, though I do hope someone was on 911 when that shit went down.

I don’t necessarily think he should post about it on social media, but otherwise agree.

People don’t help, though.  They will, however, join in on ganging up on women.

Utah has amazing skiing. Also its Sundance.

Personally, I think Marilyn Manson said it best when he said: People = Shit.

Rich people problems?

GFY Gwyneth I hope the jury awards the doctor MILLIONS. She should also have to film PSAs about how wrong that was. And be banned from Utah.

Sounds like something Goopy would do.  Mow someone down then rush off for a coffee-grounds enema.

Seems Dr. Sanderson experienced an unconscious coupling.

So there's a skiing equivalent of leaving the scene of an accident? 

It’s too damn early to be drawing a line in the sand for me, maybe not for you and that’s fine, but please spare us “black people are ignoring her record because she’s a black woman” routine. I do not look at my people as dumb.

Yeah honestly my main bitch about Harris is that her policy positions are more same ol’ same ol’ Democratic establishment. Best believe I’ll bus 3 million people illegally to New Hampshire (?) to vote her in over The Sludge, but I’m not going to get particularly excited over the Democrats primarying her. On the

Because our public discourse has devolved to the point where "adult humans having a consensual relationship" can be scandalized, even when a President who admitted he sexually abused women on a hot mic is sitting in the goddamn Oval Office.

Because when rich white people use their connections to get ahead, that’s just expected, but when minorities do it, that’s clearly horrible and cheating and a violation of everything America stands for.

Because she’s a single woman.

Don’t give a crap about what she & Willie Brown did, it’s her political history that scares the hell out of me, and how black people may be bamboozled into supporting her. I also find it curious that Kamala hardly identifies as a black woman but many of us insist on doing so. Interesting.

Tonya Lawnman, for all of her many many faults, it’s a good way to boost site engagement (via comments) and justify dat ad revenue.

They were both adults, and both consenting, so why the hell is it anybody else’s business?