Schwag 2.0

The money also goes to his estate which clearly is continuing denial of abuse.

You are allowing yourself some wiggle room here because you’re on the outside looking in.

Barf. The only tragedy is what happened to these kids.

I think the royalty money goes to Katherine Jackson who seems to have been ok with her husband beating her sons, possibly pimping out Michael at one point, and raping some of her daughters, but drew a line at him having a consensual affair..... So, I guess, just don’t spend anymore money on Michael Jackson stuff until

Unfortunately, I think you are. Doesn’t that money go (partly) to his parents?

This “culture” that you are perpetuating - which is, trying to put a narrative to the celebrities that humanize them in a way that somehow makes their abuse and harassment into something understandable - is exactly absolving their horrid actions. Maybe not entirely so, but it definitely is, at least a little. It’s

Lots of people have shit childhoods. Most of us try to  make up for it by having good adulthoods. It gets better and all that. He just wasn’t right.

Rebbie and LaToya did come out later in the 90s and say Joe sexually abused them. And Katherine knew about it. Some nights, she would tell Joe to stop to let them get some sleep, per LaToya’s book. Rebbie moved out of the home when she was 16. I know everyone says she’s the crazy Jackson, but I do believe she got

I did not have posters of famous people as a kid, but I did have one of Jackson for Thriller. I *loved* that album. But since I was a teenager and learned of the allegations, I can’t listen to his music anymore. I also think Woody Allen is shite (although to be fair I’ve always hated his “œuvre”), and can’t watch

As an 8 year old I was in love with Thriller. As a teen, when these allegations started to come out, even as a relatively innocent kid who had never really been exposed to the evils of the world, he I do not understand the people who have spent literal decades defending this extremely

The real tragedy here is Michael himself.

Well then how do you explain all of the run of the mill child abusers out there? The tragedy isn’t people not telling Jackson “no”, it’s Michael Jackson abusing children and society utterly failing in every regard to hold him accountable while alive or to believe them now that he’s dead.

Nobody is purely good or purely evil.

I disagree. The real tragedy are his victims. Another way of looking at Michael Jackson is he crafted a persona that appealed to children. Mild- mannered. Child-like. His home was built to entice children. All to create the perfect environment for a predator. People act like Michael Jackson was some sort of naive waif

What’s horrifying is that also describes Donald Trump, except he ruined the lives of the businesses he would bankrupt, and now, well, how many lives has he ruined as president..

This “missed childhood” thing has always bothered me. If you assume a childhood is 14 years (assuming at 14 you are no longer a child, but an adolescent growing into an adult), how many childhoods was he entitled to? He could live forever as a child to make up for the 14 years he missed? After “reliving” his

It’s clear by now you’re one of the fans and have already made up your mind. ETA: In fact it appears you made this Kinja accout specifically for defending MJ.

I like the showing of the thought process as you talk yourself out of believing them through questions.

If instead of just have questions, you search for answers, you may just find them, as others have pointed out things like long interviews. Have you watched the Bashir interview? It’s linked in this thread.

(Worth a

The two eldest were born to his wife Deborah Rowe during the marriage so legally they are his children regardless of who is the biological father(s). i certainly don’t think is was Jackson. He wasn’t married to the mother of the youngest but claimed she was inseminated with his sperm. ‘Blanket’ doesn’t look one iota

Well, they’re his in the sense that he paid for their conception (sperm donor, surrogate, and insemination) and has his name written on the birth certificate.