Schwag 2.0

Ah, the ol’ How-dare-you-I-have-a-daughter chestnut!

Known serial abuser of women continues to abuse more women unhindered, volume 9015671. Meanwhile some bleat about “cancel culture”. Because society would rather invent a phantom problem than have their playlists inconvenienced by violence against women.


“This bitch [oh excuse me ‘b!tch’] lyin’!”

I don’t even understand what the implied play is. Summer 2019 is not election season. Whose election would it be boosting even if summer 2019 was election season? Her mother’s? Hers? Are we really trying to argue that having a new baby is an asset to a female politician? If Hillary we think 3 grandbabies is what it

Or maybe Chelsea and her husband just wanted a third kid and realized that they have the means to have one. I know we’ve all been coached to overthink her motives and moves since she was a preteen because “there are no innocent Clintons” or whatever but this woman has literally been bullied and called names by grown

busting R. Kelly for building code violation is the new getting Capone on tax evasion... never change, Chicago

Same! I'd rather have bubbles than babies! 🍾

Dude, she didn’t give up drinking *at* you. She doesn’t even know you exist. It wasn’t about you, so don’t make it about you.

The body and mind respond to alcohol, it changes people’s perceptions, people crave that change. If a person has a lot on her mind, it helps blur it all out.

Yay you, I guess? There are lots of things I haven’t tried that I don’t understand the appeal of either. I’m not sure how that’s relevant to people who have tried it and liked it, though.

Grimes resembles a Dickensian orphan who bathes every half-century

Yeah I don’t know where the “narc” thing comes from, but the “fat” thing is hilariously laughable given the fact that Azealia has a smoking hot body (albeit not much else to recommend her) and Grimes resembles a Dickensian orphan who bathes every half-century.

I’ve been furloughed for 30 someought days now and I’m pretty much drinking 50% of the time.

Agreed. And it’s not like you spend every night with your child from 0-18 anyway. This is hilariously aspirational, and I give it 3 years before she realizes what a dumb idea this was.

I’ve taken a different route than Anne.  I’ve avoided having children, so I don’t have to worry about parenting while hungover.  As an added bonus, I have more cash so I can buy the expensive stuff.

That kid isn’t gonna care if she’s up with him or not when he is a teen.

Subjective, but I’ve found celibacy from most things to be quite boring.

my guess would be that when they were “friends”, AB shared some insecurity about her weight. Which is hilarious.

I hope to use “you don’t even have bone marrow sis” or “you smell like a roll of nickels” sometime this week.