Schwag 2.0

Based on some blind items, I think she’s very possibly a mean girl in sweetheart’s clothing a la Julia Roberts

Her dating life is a string of Hollywood men who aren’t worthy of her, which is why I’d be far more giddy to hear she’s dating one of the many kick-ass women in Hollywood (of which she is one).

But butbut... BPitt is such a douche!  Charlize is too cool for him. Now if  Mr. Driver & Ms. Theron got together THAT would be worth a story. 

Charlize can do better.  

There once was a model named Pam,

Right. Pamela Anderson wants to defend our daughters against predators who aren’t Julian Assange, except for the part where she stanned for him while he gamed the system for fascists.

“Your poem is quite bad,

I find Adam Driver so attractive. the NRA REALLY do this about someone who got SHOT!?!??!?!!?!??!  I’m shocked....shocked and dismayed

Pam shut up.

Yet when I occasionally try to remind the gun humpers who comment here that open carry is illegal in California because the NRA teamed up with Reagan to take guns away from the Black Panthers, they always dismiss me.

The NRA endorsed gun control laws that were specifically written to disarm the Black Panthers of their lawfully owned firearms.

It turns out there are at least two worse takes than Trump’s.

“It wasn’t always so ‘civil,’ believe you me... by either side...”

Martin Luther King Jr. is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice,”

 Best summation of the photo op:

The primary objective would be to make money, which doesn’t happen by custom making a dress for free for someone relatively few people are aware of.

“The civil rights movement was very complicated. You had very good people on both sides, let me tell you.”

You can always BUY one of their dresses instead of begging for one for free.

“to her I offer a public plea: NAME NAMES.”