Schwag 2.0

It also separates the violence from the other parts of the cycle of abuse when every part, including and especially the sweet apologies and “I love you’s,” are what makes the whole so terrible.

Calling it “the monster” is an abusive tactic to keep up the pretense that it’s somebody else committing those heinous acts. It’s also a nice way to create further dissonance inside the victim’s mind. Whom are going to hold accountable?

I was just about to dismiss this, but instead chose to reply so that everyone can see this previously unimaginable level of idiocy.

Step-child (11), but no, no children of my own. Nor wanted.  

Oh honey, we’ve all had terrible taste in men at some point in our lives.

Exactly—don’t be sorry, lol. It’s not fine. People took time out to see this show. Maybe took time off from work, traveled, spent time getting ready, getting excited, paid money for the tix, dinner, uber, taxi, went there instead of doing something else on NYE....etc....all the stuff we all do that’s probably not the

Hollywood royalty.

Thank you Ashley, thank you!! Fuck, even my CAT give me the side-eye when I stand there snapping pics of him. He’s all, who are you, robot? Are you evil? Where did my kind, gentle master go? I follow one woman who very tastefully shares photos of her little girl growing up, only flattering photos of her clothed and

Why is being a responsible adult considered conservative? It is no wonder everyone thinks progressives are spoiled idiots.

5. Am I an idiot?

Or maybe, and radical thought here I know, don’t share family pictures of your kids or really anyone for that matter on a public platform...

She’s a female Larry the Cable Guy.

I have found Haddish’s whole schtick to be tacky, trashy, and unpleasant, but this is just beyond.  

Anyone know how much those tickets cost? And if she’s offering refunds because she admits that she wasn’t prepared to perform? I saw on another story that she stayed out until 7am the night before. Get some sleep and an iv and pull your shit together for the hour that the show lasts. Or maybe wait to get turnt up

Yeah. Hate to go into my usual conservative shtick here, but:

and that I probably shouldn’t turn up before work

I guess putting your arm up in the air and yelling “Heeeey” for an hour does not good comedy make.

I’m glad she learned that it’s not okay to get fucked up before work at the tender age of 39. Imagine if she hit 40 and still thought that was okay. 

Say that to the people that wasted their money on her. She is really obnoxious.

but it’s not fine.