Schwag 2.0

Considering how swiftly he was dropped from House of Cards and All the Money in the World, I assumed everyone hates him and just needed an actual reason to not work with him. 

Because he’s saying “I’m afraid of negative publicity.” His celebrity has everything to do with the negative publicity and it affords him certain privileges.

Spacey’s reasoning for skipping his court date was, according to an affidavit, “that this court excuse my physical presence at the arraignment as I reside out-of-state and believe that my presence will amplify the negative publicity already generated in connection with this case.”

Spacey’s reasoning for skipping his court date was, according to an affidavit, “that this court excuse my physical presence at the arraignment as I reside out-of-state and believe that my presence will amplify the negative publicity already generated in connection with this case.”

I’m Getting Married was FANTASTIC. The Staten Island couple where the husband forgot he was mic’ed and hulked out on his limo driver because he was late, and the wife had overfilled her lips so much they gave her a speech impediment. GOLD.

I was at the Pete show last night and I’m surprised Jez chooses to focus on the fact he talked about Ariana and not about the fact that he basically shit all over Louis CK.

Yep. Waiting for his 15 minutes to expire.

Yup, it’s not a “fuck you,” song. It’s exactly how thegoodstepsister broke it down. Nothing is cruel about it whatsoever. 😂

Maybe it’s because I’m old, but “Thank U Next” seems affectionate and appreciative to me, like, not at all mean to her exes?

What’s he going to do to get attention now that he can’t trade off of her?

This is why people need to actually listen to or read the lyrics to a song before getting fauxraged about them on the internet. If you had come that, you’d already know she says nothing disrespectful about him in the song. She also did him and all of the exes the courtesy of previewing ‘Thank U Next’ beforehand to

Ok thank you. I was going say the same but I thought I was being a buzzkill. At first I thought it was cute but then it had to be "childhood heroes" like why? Why not just say u wanted to dress up as a fucking mermaid and be done with it

Given how most of the Grande and Jezebel stuff seems to be responding to Davidson boasting about the sexual aspects of the relationship on live tv, hell anytime he appeared in a room it seemed, it’s still him by a country mile.

The party theme was childhood heroes and she dressed as The Little Mermaid? There are some depressing choices in that photo.

Pete Davidson was crass as fuck talking about his sex life with Ariana on TV, and he’s mad about “Thank u, next”? Fuck right off with that, dude.


I don’t know who’s being the biggest dick now, Daveson, Grande or Jezebel for still milking that relationship.


I mean, they’re just going to say “That was BEFORE the DNA test!” It’s painfully predictable.