funniest thing I've read all day
Maybe I'm an idiot. But could someone explain why this is significant?
If for nothing else, get it for the ls motor, and intantly transform any car into a hoonmobile
All I ever see is ratty Ford Rangers. I'm convinced those Toyota's don't exist in the US outside the southwest.
Oh, I agree absolutely, 100%, but Ford's PR dept was tasked with selling an archaic 30 year old design to a generation that's grown reliant to infotainment. Not that it makes the Ranger any less awesome, but it was waay behind the market, Ford knew it, and the result was a hilarious attempt to advertise a 30 year old…
Reminds me of how Ford used to describe the Ranger's standard feature list in the late 2000s. "Wow! A Dashboard! You can Get those now?! Gosh, this is already miles ahead of my 30 year old International Harvester"
If we ever thought logically about why we like the things we do, we'd all be driving camrys and Accords
Yeah Buffalo!
It's an icon in stock car racing. Probably the definitive stock car, actually. Hence why the last gen pandered to the NASCAR demographic so much
What's so bad about the neon? I get that the 2nd gen wasn't all that great, but I hear the first gens were fun little cars for the time.
I imagine that'd be absolute hell for the engine to haul around that much weight. How frequent are mechanical issues?
I drive under that bridge on a weekly basis. Never bothered to stop though, probably should sometime
They have food?!