
The pilot of this CR-V

So what if it won't pass smog? Isn't it still legal in the other 49 states?

Because you can

Because you can

I can understand your argument, and you do make several valid points. However, there's a certain mindset that the people on this site have that's difficult for non-gearheads to grasp.

Well, I guess it's just light rail then, although this one does spend some time below the surface. Somebody just made the less than stellar descision to put the downtown portion at street level.

Welcome to Buffalo, home of the Subway that spends half it's time cruising Main Street

I can't believe nobody's heard the song. With the whole "Duck Dynasty" redneck craze going around and such I can't escape the Darius Rucker version.

Good point. I'd like to see accurate reliability for manufacturers too. As in an MGB breaking down far more often than a Honda Civic, or a Subaru blowing a head gasket. Or maybe a pinto that explodes when rear ended..

Actually, in that scheme, with those wheels I actually kind of like it. Minus the cheesy Dale stickers of course

Where does this disproportional small piece come from? I want to say Volvo

I like how CJ Spiller commands his own TV market around Clemson

That's crazy. When I heard about the tornadoes I was blown away

A kid I went to high school with had this ratty '84 AMC model that served as his daily driver. There were a lot of little miscellaneous holes in the bodywork and I believe the heater only worked in his imagination. Needles to say, I was always curious how he managed to get by November-March

Oh they're around all right. You've just got to get in with the country music crowd

I find it funny that Subaru nowadays can't keep their cars on dealers' lots, but the Tribeca alone still sells like its comes with an STD

So I hear you like big cars