He was also pro-apartheid. Let that sink in.
He was also pro-apartheid. Let that sink in.
Ted Nugent is a guy who once bragged about shitting his pants to avoid serving his country. The fact conservatives embrace him is just another reason why their world view is irreconcilable with critical thinking.
I know - it’s one thing for a child to not get how this is awful, but for an adult to have ZERO self awareness that the staff (probably under paid!) literally had zero choice because it could otherwise put their jobs in jeopardy is...really fucking incredible.
He said ‘well, wake them up’ and I was like ‘no’ and then he wouldn’t let us use the underground garage. Obviously in New York we can’t really go outside. New York is ruthless for us...So he was like, ‘OK, then I don’t want you in my hotel.’ So we had to leave.
Everyone’s hands are exaggerated in this clip/photo: Keith Urban’s hands look like the Hamburger Helper mascot.
I’d do anything to experience a love so strong that it would overcome the knowledge that my beloved kills rare animals for sport.
I went to a few Catholic schools and in some we went to church once a week and had religious classes. It was never as Jesusy as this.
I now have a sudden need to train a classroom full of children to answer that same question with “GRAD SCHOOL AND HELL!”
The episode about the twin brothers made me cry so hard. And then laugh at the end when he was describing how the neighbor was fine disconnecting from him and his family (including his small children) but didn’t want to disconnect from his dog.
I made my husband back up and replay the cutaway where you could see a bit of Shirley’s face, looking very distressed during the brouhaha. I pointed out to my kids (older daughter/younger son) how sweet it was that even at their age, his big sister still has his back. ;)
This is so deliciously good.
Because his opponent had a private email server.
Definitely Don’t Go For That....I feel very strongly about this.
Yes, but they were in AMERICA. In America, we clamp down on your hand like a vice, stare directly into your eyes as a display of dominance and shake until a little bit of poop falls out.
When I had massive boobs (I had a reduction), boob pocket flaps were an automatic no. They honestly looked like airplane flaps and I was about to take off, propelled solely by the power of boob.
My Hot Topic-shopping disaffected teen was born in China and orphaned there. I’m guessing that every disaffected teen in the world would shop at Hot Topic if given the chance!
If it’s any consolation, I do believe plenty of planned for pregnancies also turn into disaffected teens who shop at Hot Topic.
Well, I mean...my pregnancy was unwanted, and that baby is now a disaffected teen who does indeed shop at Hot Topic. But other than that, this godawful personal reflection of a white single dude’s sexual failings was a waste of my fucking time. Which, funnily enough, is exactly what I’d imagine sex with him is like.
Right, the fact that she voted yes in committee makes it crystal fucking clear that she’s playing the long con on this one.
UGH. No cheers for Maine’s Susan Collins, folks. She does this to us every goddamned time. She could have ended this travesty in committee with a no vote, but nope, she went ahead and passed DeVos through to a full house vote where she will more than likely pass.