But these redefinitions just make it more exact... plus, the equivalent would be to compare the step sizes between meters and other distance units in the system - oh look they're all factors of 10.
But these redefinitions just make it more exact... plus, the equivalent would be to compare the step sizes between meters and other distance units in the system - oh look they're all factors of 10.
Aren't they really different though? Katniss has an actual personality and interests beyond boys, unlike Bella, for starters...
Oh are you the person behind FYFD?? If so, I follow you! It's one of my favorite blogs on tumblr :) And if not, well we follow the same thing haha
I don't see how you think I'm asking men to stop being male, and your reply is not worth replying to tbh. Feminism is a branch of marxism? FFS educate yourself.
Dude, the fact that you apparently think women have no sex drive kind of freaks me out? What, lesbians are not real? Are you next going to say that women don't enjoy sex and use it only as currency? Please.
I love the list of unusual deaths SO MUCH. It does make me really anxious to read it, but still.
He took it down.
It also depends a lot on how you define "sexual abuse", and I also think there might be some reluctance of victims to come forward so the actual figures may be even higher. I know I've been bothered by other people in ways that would be considered sexual harrassment, but I'd be *very* reluctant to come forward as a…
I agree that it created that perception! In a way, the fact that we only ever talk about her is part of the problem. I want to start a tumblr dedicated to women scientists.
Because Curie is the only female scientist a lot of people know, and the designated token woman (tm).
I know a lot of people may look at this and think it's just funny, that these things don't happen in real life, and that if they do it's some anomaly and we should all just "deal with it."
I don't want to get into the whole thing and have not read the book in many years (maybe 10?) but I don't think A Clockwork Orange really "promotes" rape culture. I don't recall is being normalized by the book, at any rate - it was pretty clear that Alex's society was messed up.
Your last line could be used for so many things we (no longer) find acceptable, i.e.
It was her 687th winter. Goddammit.
Blue eyes are about 6-6,000 years old. Lactose tolerance is about 10,000 years old. When agriculture first came onto the scene, people were of a smaller stature and weight than their hunter-gatherer ancestors (because of not being adapted to eating grains) but after a few generations were the same size.
Could be different supermarkets, they're not refrigerated at Rewes or (I think) Edekas, but definitely refrigerated at Kauflands.
"Single dose-shots of the flu vaccine and the flu vaccine nasal sprays do not contain any mercury compounds. The multi-dose flu shot does contain a preservative called thimerosal, which breaks down into 49% ethylmercury and used to prevent bacterial contamination of the vaccine container."
Is this only for US customers?
WHY did I have to read this?? I was about to go to bed!
Grad students unite!