Aunt Kittycat

That’s not an opposing argument. I said she’s a poor judge of character; I didn’t say she wasn’t a smart business woman. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.

Angie, Angie. If they cheat on somebody with you, they will cheat on you with somebody else.

So much this, I will admit my bitchiness at parents. I hate you mom or dad with kids in a plane I won’t give up my carefully purchased seat for you or any of your monsters to be more comfortable, talk to the flight attendant and hace her bribe me out of my seat.

Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.

OJ’s son did it.

This shit is such a yawn fest. Anyone else over the “shocking wardrobe as entertainment” Schtick?

This is very telling of his sanctimonious behavior;

Okay. Allow me to gather my eyeballs back from where I just rolled them the hell out of my head, so that I might respond to this ridiculousness as a Literature instructor at the college level.

READING SOMETHING IS NOT THE SAME AS EXPERIENCING SOMETHING. That means you can read about what it’s like to be a gay person

I’m the person who’s warm when everyone else in the room is freezing, many deodorants fail to keep me dry (which is technically anti-persperant, but I think this post is supposed to be about both). I’ve tried Secret (regular), Suave, Arid, Sure, and none of them could stop the pit sweat. Arm and Hammer worked until it

I’m the person who’s warm when everyone else in the room is freezing, many deodorants fail to keep me dry (which is

The irony here is I am so old the stuff your dad played is the stuff I begged my dad to stop and play when he was trolling the airwaves for bluegrass or Hawaiin folk or Gregorian chanting.

I think she’s mad because she didn’t get a cut of whatever he makes off this. And because she didn’t get to control the who, what, when and how. I don’t know about anyone else, but to me she’s always come off as a bit controlling

This is like the millionth US tabloid story I’ve seen that insinuates that Kate has had her second baby already. Why is this a thing? Why can’t they just wait until she actually has it and then make up the stories about where it has spent its first days or whatever? I’me very confused...


Here's an easy answer: Do the bride & groom (or bride & bride, etc) want kids to attend? There you go, done and done.

Well shit, I actually do feel better.

"Yeah, the book makes clear that Scarlett's husband Frank was literally riding with the KKK to "clean out" that shanty town. "

I'll never understand why anyone would want to spend the day lying in the dirt roasting themselves and wading around in filthy water full of parasites and sharks while surrounded by mobs of screaming kids and disgusting slobs with their every bodily flaw on full display.

I use cheap conditioner. Any will do. Soap rinses off too easily in the shower.