Susan Thurston

Herb garden sounds nice . Our growing season is so short in Wisconsin , I would need a grow light . Nothing beats fresh herbs ,garlic and chives in a dish . Not to mention the medicinal benefits . I just started sprouting . But they just don't get as fat and tender as the ones in the store .

I still miss Jay . The only man I would stay up late for :).

Right on , OneCanuck !

You sound like my room mate . Doesn't understand American satire.

Don't like , never have liked Letterman . Jay was the peoples poet . I know , Jews dominate TV , movies and banking . the Zionists are the greedy ones . Even Bush was a member of the Priory of Zion .But , I digress. I was staunchly anti-semetic until I understood the difference , and found out Stweart was a Jew .

Ahh Friedrich . Have you been in the beer garten too long ??

It's not the Jews . The Zionists are the scourge of the earth .

Williams isn't in the same universe as Stewart and Colbert . Think he sold his soul to Illuminati .

And you voted for Bush SR.. Schlaff gut !

So long ,dumb ass. You must have voted for Bush ..

Streaming* Must have been typing without my glasses again. It would be nice if Stewart would have a radio show from his home at least . He wants to spend more time with his family , and who can blame him .

Internet steaming at 8 A.M .dear .You don't have to stay up late . Are you over 60 and single ??

i read the comments below .
Are you guys all stupid , stoned on acid or both ? We have lost the lone voice in the wilderness .

WHAT !!! WHAT !!! How are we supposed to get the real news now . Colbert is gone . Now Stewart . America is lost :( .