
yes, as I recall, the "we blew it" had to do with the pursuit of material things … and the purchasing of experience … Mardi Gras with prostitutes and LSD in the cemetery …
There was some mythology that "bad trips" were the result of internal conflicts, like ambition and hatred … if your

They were air conditioned and/or heated, the seats were comfortable, they had clean and luxurious bathrooms sometimes even with couches and pay telephones, your ticket was good for hours — they didn't throw you out (like a coffee shop might) — and most of all it was private and away from the voices of your family.

Yes, in 1969, in California, there were a lot of shell-shocked long-haired vets driving the coast aimlessly in their brand-new Mustangs … the hostile reception they got at their local VFW halls now forgotten … along with the fear-mongering and demonization by the media wrt their "ticking bomb" drug-addicted depravity

and the murderers will carry the burden of the secret of their crime for the rest of their lives … they can't even celebrate their awesome blow against those damned hippies … but yeah, they'll prolly be dead soon, one way or another …more where they came from …

Looks like she married well … she's the one getting the "props" in this movie … she's name-checked as the one "trying the hardest" … I'm guessing those folks will not go unappreciated.

and all that money went up in smoke …

Guardian says it's gonna be a classic … bad movie laff fest … but over at Rotten Tomatoes those who loved it saw it with mothers and proclaim it a chick flick … so, probably better wait to see it minus the "mother's day" audience or face their wrath, and tears.

The audience didn't much like bitchy Julia … which was the "depth" of choice in expanding her "range" … Best Friend's Wedding was uncomfortable … Mona Lisa Smile merely made one miss Robin Wlliams or Kevin Kline .. her character's inner life did not engage or intrigue. Like this movie, it felt very "paint by

So much of what she did that "worked" was tailored for her …
She "memorably" did Broadway, Closer. Her last big role was August: Osage County. It took me a while to realize that Streep's performance would have worked if she had been playing to someone willing to react … viscerally. The anger of the character did not

""… it also seems to contain an unusual amount of ADR. Or does Marshall just not like showing his actors’ mouths moving? His cutting makes it hard to tell.""

This is the internet. She has a enormous long-standing deeply emotionally invested fan base …
How'd that caution go?
""Objects in mirror are larger/.smaller than they appear""
The internet performs for "clicks" … Beyonce is a winner.
She "breaks the internet"

May Day — a bunch of characters in search of a parade?

it was her destiny

I never for a moment wanted Sally to end-up-with Harry … it was just utterly unbelievable or, if believable, terribly depressing. just say no. Aniston and Vaugh less unbelievable.

Robert's signature hee-haw probably makes napping impossible …

I've always disliked When Harry Met Sally (Crystal's simpering mostly) but was amazed at how good it looked last weekend … and how nuanced Ryan's performance managed to be … and how solid Crystal was — go figure. There are plenty of middling to worse comedies that are watchable … I won't list, you probably have your

wow, three actresses I would not miss if I never saw them again, being dull-eyed terrible in a predictably hokey (mawkish) Gary Marshall film. I can't tell if this material might have been made worth watching in the hands of better, more intelligent, more sparkling actors… but Martindale is usually a fairly sure bet

it's not just little kids who sense that sexuality is scary and "forbidden territory" beyond the pink/blue duopoly … he was fearless and his fearlessness was inspiring to make others resist the impulse, instinct to self-censor ("I don't wanna know about that!!!") and awaken a curiosity as to what's out there in the

He lied, Nicole lied … nothing new under the sun … few are willing to call anyone they don't know a liar … particularly a celebrity .. particularly when his victim is denying being abused (even the cops have little recourse)… OJ was extremely charming in a very calm, friendly manner … I knew people who had met him

OJ was succeeding in pursuing post-football acting while others who had gone before had become stuck in stereotyped roles … Airplane was a breakthrough — he could play "light comedy" — he was lithe and agile and quick and charming. My mother and others lit up at his smile, he was personable and, if not humble, not