
And yet, Tawny seems to be using religious 'preoccupation' as a distancing framework, perhaps her own avoidance of the less pristine, even sweaty and lustful aspects of real life … let us pray … as she mentions, she prayed before going in to be interrogated … but mentioned regretfully that she so often fails to do so…

alternate read is that Daniel "loses it" when men disrespect women — Trey trash-talking Hanna; Teddy treating Tawny like his property … I didn't see the pool painting as a reaction to "dinner with Amantha": — more a relishing the freedom to be outside painting the pool at night … rather than being inside, alone,

I guess we have 3 very different women, all of whom have a great deal of independence and "agency" but their future/wellbeing is still being controlled by men … and I don't mean this in a big capital F feminism, so much as … it's still a man's world no matter how much "you've come a long way, baby."
Tawny's marriage

I'm sorry but at this point if Teddy reminds Tawny one more time that he would never hurt her I may be calling on Dirty Harry to blow him away … I suspect Teddy ALWAYS has some "vulnerability" wrt some hurt, slight, disrespect or other owies that needs kissing … poor poor sensitive Teddy … I thought Teddy knew that

So hard to tell if Teddy is an victim or exemplar of a form of toxic masculinity … he again "traps" Tawney in a stalker-ish way …. he wasn't supposed to be there … and then slams the door shut when she suggests (generously and without enthusiasm) that they attend counseling together … rejected because ?? I guess it's

Yes, I think this is an all too "literal" an interpretation of things said during an interview (without infection or expression as a guide) … we know the character doesn't know if he's guilty or "innocent" or if he's partially guilty — he certainly feels guilty, having been there and Hanna being quite dead and gang

I originally thought Tawny was a remarkably thorough and tasteful decorator … but I'm pretty sure that Teddy hired a professional … even someone from a wealthy background would have difficulty making a first home so "pulled together" … Imagine Tawny living in "what the decorator and Teddy decided on" — someone from

He said something about how "there was a time when these things were all that you WOULD eat" — I'm guessing when she was fussy fussy little girl… so, yeah, she might have lightened up a bit … but she had a headache …
The utter lack of straightforward communication in this family is staggering.

I'm inclined to think he's infinitely more self-conscious and image conscious and that Tawny is the sort of woman a-man-like-me, an up and coming, mover and shaker "should" be seen with, should be married to — be it ever so humble, she's great arm candy and, of course, the "other guys" will envy him and the wimmen

Whether he "wanted" everyone to know is a bit besides the point since he managed to create the situation — it's a very small town, everyone knows who he is wrt Daniel — where the whispering started immediately … a man wants to prosecute his brother — even knowing that (a) it could upset the plea bargain (b) cause a

or 20 years of solitary confinement makes people more inclined to being overwhelmed, less casual and confident in their communications. He has seemed like someone with some sensory-integration problems … out in the real world where everything happens at once and there's so much to pay attention to…

I don't think she has anything to go back to in Altanta and she's scared enough want to be near her mom … and Daniel … particularly now that John has decamped for Boston …
Seriously, I think she has some awareness that she's a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown and that if she's going to lose her shit, it would

yes, I was surprised and how effiicently and calmly she walked out on Teddy … made me wonder if she had done so before … if she knew Teddy would never (ever) stop bringing Daniel up and it was Situation-Hopeless and time to say Adios. We did get the suggestion that Teddy losing his temper and shaming/bullying Tawny

I was struck by Teddy's obvious panic on Daniel's release that he (Teddy) was going to somehow lose status, even lose his position as heir apparent to the family business…. which seemed to me to be utter projection on his part (Was the now-free Daniel even interested in working at the tire shop??) … anyway, I took his

from wikipedia: "" Bruce McKinnon as Ted Talbot, Sr. (recurring season 1, main season 2–present), Daniel's stepfather. He was once a worker at the tire store owned by Daniel's father, but took over after his death.""

In my personal experience, there is often a "let down" after the achievement of a significant goal or victory … Daniel's release was not a pardon … which I think was Amantha's ultimate goal … and the last month/6 weeks of waiting for a decision — then followed by the relative let-down of the plea bargain — one chapter

I won't be surprised if the ex-Mrs.Ted left after she was supplanted by Janet the grieving widow … and left rather than watch her Ted Sr. and his new bride's happiness. Ted Sr. was a longtime employee, possibly assistant manager to Daniel's father — it might go a very long way in explaining Teddy's neurotic

maybe ,kinda, sort of — but the state senator was now calling it a "sexual assault" and Teddy is STILL waffling about pressing charges (preview suggested it was again "going forward") …and —worse— since he can't bring himself to actually clarify what happened (much less why/context) with Janet or Tawny (god knows what

But it was in keeping with asking Daniel if he'd been raped in prison … he has BIG issues with rape and sex …see also his apparent NEED for EVERYONE to know what Daniel did to him … A "compulsion to confess" or just an indiscriminate need for attention … tattletales or those who "ran to mama'" (authority figures) were

as with his suspicious greeting to Jared, Teddy betrayed his deep seated paranoia to his neighbor, ie instead of being appreciative (or even grateful) to the neighbor for giving his wife shelter, he suggests he's uncomfortable handing over Tawney's laundry because it includes —- gasp —- underwear …
Jared's all kinds