
Part of the reason whenever we go out for lunch after church, we’re sure to always tip at least 20%. It sucks you have to put up with that crap.

Man, things sure were different when our grandparents grew up, to the point where stiffing people because they didn’t go to church (which is a kind of shunning, really) was okay.

I was heavily into the church when I was young, very conservative, you most likely know the type, but no one I ever went out to eat with did

They served mammon their whole lives while parading their holiness? They get what mammon gives you—rage, the feeling of being tricked, emptiness.

Sigghhhh...I really wish I could kidnap every single twunt/cocksmack who does that and vigorously reschool them in the whole “Render unto Caesar” thing, plus the whole “Judge Not” bit.

“For as you did unto the least of these, you did unto Me.”

That is the most expodentially anti-Jesus’s teachings thing I have ever heard.

Yup. My husband is so paranoid about this that if he thinks the server saw us praying he will up our usual 20% tip to 30%.

I believe this is the kind of occasion the prayer “lord save us from your followers” was invented for.

I’m a Christian and I tip 20%+ and am generally a very easy person to serve.

Once, an 8-top of Christians left one of those “Here’s a Tip for You!” pamphlets on my table, in lieu of a cash tip. I was sort of used to this, so I didn’t remark much, just tossed it into the bus tub with the rest of the debris, and a glower.

You win the DoucheCanoe of the Day Award. You don't know a damn thing about that guy's life. Sit down and STFU. You deserve a case of bedbugs.

Assuming your story is true - ever think that this individual is scraping or otherwise sacrificing to afford to eat pizza (Which is fairly cheap) so they can feel not so broke? Or depending it might be an easier situation than cooking for unknown reasons. The point being, instead of mounting your high horse and going

Unless you have worked inside the actual kitchen of the restaurant you are ordering in, it's pretty damn hard to tell what is & isn't a "simple" request when you are talking about altering a menu item. Some are, of course, but lots are not ....& no, the customers cannot tell the difference because they are not in the

Sorry to have disappointed you!

Krumble, you know what? You're paying. You may have to deal with other people's incivility but shrug it off. You sound kind and conscientious. Or go somewhere else where you feel safe, comfortable, and appreciated. Seriously. And you are right; people do judge by covers but if you walk in feeling that you are going to