I guarantee you, with everything I have, that had her seatmates been white, her actions would have been identical.
I guarantee you, with everything I have, that had her seatmates been white, her actions would have been identical.
DNA testing conspiracy theorists
If this is about hazarding a guess about this lady possibly being racist, I say her behaviour invites us all to go there.
I think that woman would be triggered by absolutely anything. This has nothing to do with the size of the seats and everything to do with her being an abusive garbage person who moves through life looking for any opportunity to degrade other people while feeling self-righteously aggrieved.
I 100% swear as much as I do because I watched so much British TV in the 80s. It completely sanitized “fuck” as an everyday word for me (a very conservatively religiously brought up girl) well in advance of the culture.
I remain completely baffled about the appeal of Pete Davidson.
I always enjoy it when Americans find out that the whole polite Downton or Call The Midwife version of the UK really doesn’t match the very sweary island this place is. Only people that does it more seems to be the Aussies.
“I’m not a racist Trump supporter, I’m a sexist and racist Bernie Bro.! Get your facts straight!”
If you think I’m some alt-right Trump Republican, I’m not. I’m a liberal Democrat who voted for Bernie. Even though I’ve never voted for a Republican in my life, I absolutely will not put up with your [...]
over the age of 17who takes pictures with their tongue and middle fingers out is an automatic asshole
Get it on the record! Always a disinfecting move.
Anyone over the age of 17 who takes pictures with their tongue and middle fingers out is an automatic asshole
There’s a difference between reposting someone else’s meme without attribution because you think it’s funny and deliberately seeking out other people’s content to monetize for yourself while actively telling the content creators to fuck off.
“Hardesty simply read every officer’s account of Lewis’ racist joke.”
Yeah but those guys in particular are massive shitheads about it
I hope they replace him with Karl Urban.