
“Perrloom”, rhymes with heirloom.

“Ploom”? I think the collective noun you are looking for is “Blerry.”

And think of all those chemicals that are in vaccines! Like the dihydrogen monoxide, and saline!!! Can’t have that in our children!

In the latest Kashoggi news, CIA Director Gina Haspel is en route to Turkey.

I so hope people are camping out to vote for Beto! I know the polls show Cruz in the lead, but I did phone bank calling for Beto’s campaign this weekend, and was very happily surprised at 1) the very high percentage of people I talked to who are Beto supporters and planned to vote and 2) I only talked directly to one


Besides the fact it’s racist AF, why is America so anti-intellectual?

This completely makes me foam at the mouth in anger.

I’m white, born and raised south of Boston. Had never left the country at the time, but had done very well in school with various foreign languages.

Fast forward to college in Orlando, Florida and I was working at a Tex-MEX restaurant, and I would try and speak

The people screaming at strangers for being non-white are the same people who are whining that yelling at millionaire Senators is inexcusably rude, right?

In the wild, the males are more transitory, and the females really only want them around when they are in a mood to breed. Matriarch lionesses will only breed with a male that can demonstrate physical dominance, and mating is quite violent, sometimes to the point that the male wounds the female significantly.

Came for this.  Was not disappointed.

I mean, they do take up a lot of space...

If I ever saw 3 lionesses coming at me like that I would assume I was as good as dead. I mean, hell, if I ever saw 3 house cats coming at me like that I would assume I was as good as dead

“He never listens.”

The zoo in my city brought in a male lion, in hopes of breeding it with their three lionesses. First thing the poor bastard did when they were introduced was have an epileptic fit. Now, the eldest lioness is the dominant one (and she is fucking cool. Lionesses are cool). Also, because he has no dominance, he can’t be

Maybe she had to pick up his impala carcasses one too many times

Lionesses are afraid lions will laugh at them. Lions are afraid lionesses will kill them.

Was it the snoring, because it was probably the snoring.