
He’s lied already under oath. He should be disbarred.

This isn’t about sticking it to the Dems.  This is about completing a decades long plan to take over the SCOTUS.

We finally got a hard no from Doug Jones

You know what might help clarify the he said -she said x 3, what Mark Judge and Leland Keyser really know, the black out drunk memory theory, the false memory theory, the other perpetrator theory?

Maybe it would matter some if the ABA declared that, if no real investigation is undertaken, they have no choice but to publicly repudiate Kavanaugh and demand his nomination be rescinded.

He’ll never withdraw, he’s too entitled. He believes he is owed this position.

I want to believe that an investigation would matter, but I also know that the only way it would matter is if Kavanaugh withdraws his own name from consideration. The Republicans have all lined up publicly to proclaim that they were committed yes votes, and have long sense abandoned any effort at pretending this is

Big guy in the ‘Hood.

There are a lot of these “hot young things” I’ve thought that about! Bella, yes, and the girl Drake is-or-is-not dating, and Hailey Baldwin. Is it plastic surgery? The way they do their makeup? I dunno, but none of them look nearly as young as they supposedly are.

It looks like he’s interrupted EVERY WOMAN WHO HAS SPOKEN SO FAR.

“I remember the laughter.” That has wrecked me. I was also at a party when I was 17. My assault wasn’t as close to near rape, but I also remember how fun it was for the boys. Except for the one who stood at the door and made eye contact with me and opened the door and helped me up and to the bathroom. 

You know what’s really, really enraging? That these assholes want to question her but only want to do it through a “lady prosecutor.” Because they know it doesn’t play well to have a bunch of white men asking her about her sexual assault. Fuck you, guys. If you want to call her a liar, YOU DO IT IN YOUR OWN VOICES.

This tweet is too real:

Her neurological explanation of how trauma forms memories made me want to dramatically fist pump at work

She rings so true, and credible, and anguished. It is important to watch this to support her. I had to come here to be with, online, people who understand and have experienced and believe. I was attacked at 17, in my home with my mom. A man broke in and I woke up to see him there, telling me what he was going to do,

It is just so fucking bizarre to me that you have a best friend that you go out raping with.  I literally can’t find someone to have lunch with.  It is just so gross and creepy. 

YES. No respectful titles for him, which *kills* most guys. Their titles mean everything to them, and she’s taking that from him. It’s a small, small, but powerful victory.

I’m really enjoying that she refuses to call him Judge Kavanaugh. Fuck him, he’s Brett.

I heard on the morning news that, along with just being down the hall, he gets to listen to/watch everything she says and then respond to it. I’m guessing that she won’t be provided the same opportunity to respond after he’s had a chance to not provide answers.

anyone clock that? Diane Feinstein was speaking for what, 80 seconds before he interrupted her? I see this is going to go so well