
It is always murky when an injury happens in a pugilistic sport. On one hand, you’re trying to do everything you can to knock out the other guy or make him submit. On the other hand, the vast majority of fighters do not want to seriously injure their opponent. That is why certain moves are limited or outright banned

“It has always been a great dream of mine to fracture my skull, raise money that I don’t need for medical bills via the internet, and then donate that money back to Brazil. Today, those dreams have become a reality.” - official statement from Cyborg

Hey buddy, I'll have you know some of us are losers WITH jobs!

I’m happy he provided the perfect line to summarize why I hate Undertale fans.

I agree. Unfortunately this is where a lot of gamers are at right now. Basically a game isn’t “worth it” (aka “not worth MY $60!”) unless there’s a 30+ hour story mode in their game.

some cars are just cursed.

WRONG. It’s actually just one guy named Ralph Blizzard and he appreciates taking priorities from people posting in comments sections so he knows what to work on first.

Maybe. It just felt sorta anime to me, what with the hair seemingly glowing and all.

I mean the dudes and weapons/power ups were all from past Quake games, so it may just be you.

I picked it up as Quake 3 immediately

This game looks stupid and I’m tired of hearing about it every other day. Fuck you and fuck this game.

Truth. I love MMA, but the sport has outgrown him and the sooner he's out of the picture the better.

Damn, and I thought my Saturday afternoon was boring. You guys must have absolutely nothing to do today. :P

My ‘dislike’ of Bastion stems from ‘Surprise!’ Bastion moments.

I tend to main Torbjorn on defense and we had two other Bastions with a secondary Torbjorn. I knew that right at the end we were going to lose because everyone was bunched up in a corner. Low and behold “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” and BOOM all dead... DEFEAT!

It’s like Zap Branigan throwing his men against the kill bots. “Stop dying you idiots!”

Yeah, when it seems like my team is ignoring the whole team-composition/using-strategy/playing-to-the-objectives thing, I usually switch to Pharah. She’s got the DPS, and she’s mobile enough to be hard to shoot if you keep moving.

Tracer can shut down both of the bastions with her alt charged up and she can peace out before they even catch her.

I mean, without teamwork, Bastion is probably just one of many problems you’ll face. :(