
I don’t think that has anything to do with being atheist or theist.

That’s just a fucked up family.

I... don’t understand this at all. Why wouldn’t an Atheist have morals? Did morals not exist before Christianity?

I think you are describing Ewoks

Don’t you know Captain Falcon invented Muay Thai?

All that needs to happen next is he raises his hand to block the lighting to make it seem like the lights are in his eyes.

Then taking his shoes off and throwing them at the light to smash it.

“and Twilight, the greatest vampire series ever made. You’re welcome!!!”

Is this a running joke on the site?

Grandma’s Boy introduced me to Aphex Twin. For that, I am eternally grateful.

Uhh, because you’re not a genius like J.P. is.

I see what you did there.

GASP! SHE forgot a ‘d’!




“How does anyone know their choice of a religion is right? You don’t, that’s why it’s called faith. “

If this were actually the case, there would be a lot less violence and discrimination in this world, don’t you think? Not sure why you didn’t answer my questions...

“I have no proof that Tebow is in this latter group,

“And not all christians are worried about the minutiae like jacking it every now and then, btw. The Catholic Church doesn’t represent all of us.”

Honest question: how do you know your sect is the right one to follow, and not the Catholic one? Will all sects go to heaven? Or does one just have to accept Jesus Christ as

All that for only fifty three dollars and forty nine and a tenth of a cent?

I’ll take it for $53.49 and not a tenth of a cent more, those money grubbing jerks.

At the end of the day, I guarantee you the motorcyclist and the driver of the car are less offended than you are over this.

This is where you try to report me to the authorities for cyber bullying you.

“ For some people, their religion helps give them a foundation to be the best they can be. “

Religion offers nothing unique. There is no secret prayer you need to do or special belief you need to have in order to have the foundation you are referring to, provided to you. You can have the same foundation you mention

“ You make this joke like he’s somehow being held back by his religion, when from all appearances it very well may have helped give him the strength to do all that he’s done so far.”

Or perhaps he could have gone further in life without religion. We’ll never know.

But let’s just say he’s blessed or something and give

This is just.... disgusting. And I don’t mean that in a “awesome” kind of way.


And if they didn’t show actual footage of what they were reporting on, there would be someone like you named Prune Art or something who would say:

“I don’t see any footage of what you’re talking about - you’re just making wild claims. Why should I believe you?”

Grow up.


You are referring to industries where the VPs/Higher ups may not see external clients on a day to day basis.

Go to a bank, a law firm, an insurance company, financial advisement firm, or a government branch for example, very good chance all of their higher ups will be wearing suits.