
You must not go on the internet very often. I didn’t know what Undertale was when it came out, I’ve never played it, but my knowledge of it comes from fans who are pretty much like what Brimfyre commented on.

I think it’s more accurate to say Phil Spencer single handedly saved the Xbox One. Seriously, that guy put in work from day 1 on the job.

“We are getting too close to being able to prosecute someone just for perceived intent, rather than action. It’s like prosecuting someone for a crime they will commit in the future.”

But his intent was to speed well over the legal limit. He was punished for his crime.

This isn’t a dangerous slope. This is punishing

“no one is hurt! so why should we punish him so badly!”

No one gets hurt, until they do, so how about they get punished to prevent them potentially hurting someone?

I didn’t know being a car enthusiast meant you had to be a moron.

He may have won the battle, Mitch. But at least you didn’t get diarrhea like Colbert probably did.

Listen, this is not a conversation. Seriously, look up the definition. I’m not trying to be pedantic here, but when you go to a website, click an article, read the article, read the comments, click reply, and pose a question that you didn’t even bother investigating yourself, it’s embarrassing. It’s a lot more

Why pose the question when you can just look it up yourself and find out “hey, maybe it’s not hearsay? Maybe there are many Christian’s who didn’t have pre-marital sex and their marriages still ended?”

Because Jade posing the question was a segway into chalking OP’s comment up to hearsay.

It is embarrassing, because

I’m sorry that I pointed out that Jade didn’t do any research and just chalked Dolemite’s comment up to hearsay, which is apparent in her comment. You can see that Jade did no research on the topic and said Dolemite’s comment was based on hearsay.

Yikes, now this is embarrassing for you.

You should really do some research into something someone says that opposes what you think before commenting. It’ll prevent this embarrassing situation from happening to you again and should hopefully make you more open minded in the process. Given your defensiveness about his comment directed towards Christians,

Then what is the dad “at fault for” exactly?

I think you’re unwilling to commit to placing blame on either of them for some reason.

You’re basically saying: “it’s her fault for shooting the kids, but it’s his fault for antagonizing her, but it’s his fault for antagonizing her enough where she shoots her kids, so he’s

Are you slow?

“It’s not even partly his fault that the woman killed her kids. It’s his fault he antagonized her, which was a dumb choice.”

If it’s not his fault for her killing the kids by antagonizing, why does it matter if he antagonized her in the first place? How is it a “dumb choice” if, according to you, she was

“she’s another one of “them.””

One of them, as in someone who’s more successful than you in making props and costumes which makes you extremely jealous so you call her an attention whore?

Gotcha. It must be hard, being a 15 year old trapped in a man’s body.

This year is the first time I ever watched the NBA playoffs. Curry had his mouthguard out almost always so I didn’t quite ‘get’ the clip at all. I thought the devs just did his character design justice.

Someone who took “heads up!” literally.

Just because you are blind, doesn’t mean you are retarded.

I’m dumb, nm.

That’s why the daughters should have been carrying so they could have stopped their mom!

Or if the mom wanted to shoot her daughters, she would have found a gun even if they were banned!

Or even if she didn’t have a gun, she would have stabbed her daughters with a knife just as effectively!

Or that’s why we should

Not worth it - nevermind.

Calling it now. Jonathan Cheban is a closet pedophile.

The last time I suspected some F List celebrity was a pedophile, it was Jared from Subway.

Good ol’ Nuck.