Surprise! Hippopotamus

Back in the olden days before cell phones and interwebs you could go out with someone, even more than once, and because things were slower, communication less instant and constant, getting ghosted was less painful. Answering machines were wonky, roommates flaky with messages, numbers juxtaposed, rejection was just

Good for you, Aimee. Like you when I was alone (non-stop for the first 30 years of my life) I shrugged and said “it’s just me, it’s just who I am, to be alone.” I tried to convince everyone around me that it was fine, it didn’t matter, I’d be alone forever and that was a-ok.

Cher Will Not Apologize for Anything!

Not defending Kaya, but many Native Americans never lived on a reservation.

My guess is because she was young and felt ok. Heart disease can strike any age, but we’re inclined to think you have to be over 35. It’s more overlooked in women, and black women especially.

I mean, they all have enough money to retire several times over at this point. A “real job” wouldn’t be necessary.

No, she died of a heart attack brought on by an asthma attack.

So not to take away from the problems with the healthcare system but a lot of heart problems are asymptomatic until all of a sudden they’re not. I didn’t find out I have an irregular heartbeat until I was 33 and that’s because I had a sleep study for something totally unrelated and they hooked me up to an EKG. It’s

Jezebel was never feminist. It was feminist adjacent.

She died from an enlarged heart. Not saying that stress cant bring on a cardiac event but enlarged hearts do it all the time.

“Several months ago, Kylie decided for herself and her child to remove herself from the family business and retire to an undisclosed small town in Southern California, where she will remain physically and emotionally close to her family, but will no longer be pursuing a life in the public eye. Kylie thanks her

Heart defects often go undetected until something is wrong. Murmurs are easily missed and the symptoms of an enlarged heart are few and easily attributed to other things. Most of the population has zero reason to get an EKG until they are at least 30. It’s possible that better health care could have helped if we knew

Oddly enough, I want Trump’s legacy to be the first US President to die in prison.

not to defend her...but that could totally be a snake bite. i rehab exotics, I’ve probably been bit a 100x’s+

I breed a wide variety of snakes and have been bitten enough times that it barely even registers anymore unless I am profusely bleeding. Bite marks vary widely depending on the size of the snake, species and circumstances. There are quick defensive bites that are generally strike and release and feeding bites where


On top of all the self promotion stuff she gets money for, she is also getting royalty checks from her movie career at the end of each year.

She is really one and her family seems to approve, as they appear to get money from it. Some of her work is being paid to go to a rich girl’s party and then the Daily Mail will write about it so the rich girl feels cool. The rich girl will be someone overseas who isn’t famous and the DM writer will list them as a

She’s also a compulsive liar. I hate doubting anyone but honestly she’s so bad!

I’ve never been bitten by a snake, but my dear departed Scarlett O’Kitty was and I agree, her injury looked nothing like that. I’ve also seen a few in the field (volunteer emt) and they also didn’t look like LL’s. Either, LL’s life story isnt what I was expecting when we were both tweens.