
I see your point. With that hair and beard, Neil looks like Fat Riker.

Is the picture their respective reactions to hearing this?

No, it's an ode to former ADA Carey Lowell. Team Jamie!

The first time I remember seeing Mitch was on a talk show, It was either Late Night or Late Show, it might even have been that linked set above. What struck me most, besides how funny it was, was how much it seemed like he had smoked weed before the set. Not, like, in the car on the way to the building, but in the

If the color of the cord to be cut is important, bring a WHITE light.

Would you like to yell at the moon worm with Buzz Aldrin?

Old 97s - Let's Get Drunk and Get It On (Friday Night)
- Most Messed Up (Saturday Night)
- Intervention (Sunday Afternoon)


The thing is, the jaunt is nearly instantaneous. They're never completely in there, so it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't be feeling stimuli from one side or the other.

*ostensibly makes sounds of coughing but is really saying BULLSHIT*

This episode also featured a ripped-off forearm spurting blood, and extreme violence and death are part of many if not most episodes, but let's all freak out over some cartoon coitus. Animated amour. Sex cels. 'Merica.

Jumping while shooting was practically de rigueur when entering a boss door in Mega Man games, but the best was the Shadow Man stage when you got to jump and Top Spin through. Ftt-ftt-ftt!

I want to defy the logic of the Sex Box!

Just wanted to say I remember Kick Axe. They had two great songs on The Transformers: The Movie soundtrack. However, the soundtrack's producers felt "Kick Axe" was too controversial for a cartoon soundtrack so (and I believe without notifying them), they changed the name of the band on the soundtrack to Spectre

That "whoosh" is the sound of the wind passing over your head as you cruise down the Avery M. Powers Memorial Beltway.

I'm beginning to think he has some sort of anxiety concerning that genre of music which is generally well-regarded by a majority of contemporary listeners.

There's also something to be said for spending an evening gazing into each other's eyes by the glow of your burning home town (II).

Sacrifice yourself protecting your spoony boyfriend to avoid being grounded.

Whoop de doo, customers! Everyone who's found true love may have a free burger!

You're the best! Thanks! (That also explains why it's the only one I remember) (#/.\)