
I remember that and I still hold it against Marti Noxon, even when I see her writing for other shows. She seems to use those kinds of plot devices often. I think I remember her saying how great Riley was, too.

Yes to all of this! I was a huge Buffy fan and a Spuffy (yes this was a thing) shipper back in the day and I couldn't agree more. The attempted rape scene was an incredibly lame plot device, as was Tara's death just so we could have dark magic Willow.

Yeah, not surprising at all. She really phoned it in with a lot of the "romance" scenes with him.

You too! I think that is a good plan as well. We've been burning through every bad B horror movie on Hulu and Netflix. I think we've exhausted our supply. Of all the years for that damn groundhog to be right...

I'm seriously freaking out about this. We still have like a foot of snow, our driveway is a mess. I can not handle 8 more goddamn inches of this shit. SECONDING THE FUCK YOU, WINTER! AND ADDING CAPS! VIVA LA SPRING!

And your bolding changes what, exactly? We've all heard, numerous times, over and over and over and over again about the benefits of breastfeeding. I still think this gives us something to think about in terms of pushing breastfeeding to the point of new mothers feeling like assholes if it doesn't work perfectly/out

I LOVE that - "no bad choices, just good options."

My son was born with a cleft palate and a receded tongue, making it absolutely physically impossible to breast feed. I hooked myself up to that goddamn breast pump every day, barely getting anything out. I tried different fucking flanges, I tried sitting there and manually squeezing my damn boob, everything, and I

Let me guess, your parents still pay your bills?

I love Lindy's writing, and Gloria's, but even some of their stuff lately has had a different, more judgmental tone (MoGlo's thing on sex toys for dudes, for example). There's just a real harshness all of a sudden. I've been a reader here for about four or so years, mostly without commenting, so I agree on taking the

Okay, but what does that have to do with her body? Or her opinion on her body?

Why, Jezebel? Seriously, fuck you. Disagree with her all you want, I certainly do, but for a site that claims to support body positivity you are a bunch of hypocrites. Good for her for feeling good about herself. This article just makes you look petty and sad, which is happening more and more often on here.

Okay, I'm just curious. Most people here are commenting that they assumed Robin and Paula had an open relationship—but have they ever actually come out and said that? Or was it all just speculation? I'm genuinely curious.

I actually completely agree with you. I just don't like the hand wringing, OMG CHEMICALS!??!!?! tone that articles like this always take.

Knock yourself out. Probably won't taste very good.

But...everything is made out of chemicals.

I absolutely hate the trend thing, you're exactly right. I have wide hips, a short waist, and a flat butt, so I have to stick to an exact cut of pant. If they could just offer what works for multiple body types (I know a few places like Old Navy do) it would be so much easier.

That's so funny I posted the same thing above. First thing it reminded me of.

Does the Jenner YA novel cover remind anyone else a ton of the Shatter Me cover? I still don't know how to embed images but:

OH GOOD GOD HE CALLS THEM "CRAMP STAMPS" Yep I am so backing these.