Suprise Suprise It's Lando in Disguise

Case in point. I occasionally watched the original show during its prime time run, but it was never a favorite. I probably didn’t even take notice when it was canceled. And now, I don’t think the show has even entered my conscious thoughts in over 30 years until reading about this reboot being canceled.

I think the other thing (and you make some really good points) is that Full House embraced the cheese and while annoying, was slightly less bad than its predecessor. Saved By the Bell went meta and openly mocks the original series (with a little 30 rock thrown in), the Connors/Roseanne is a solid story easily

Here’s a little tip to help actors who just took a damn job and don’t know how to handle Star Wars nerds asking questions about deep lore: If someone asks if your character is related to some other character vaguely like them, the answer is yes. Always yes. Everyone in Star Wars is always related. 

Japan’s most iconic heroes taking on Japan’s most iconic monster?

I think you hit the nail on the head. Before 2008, basically every superhero movie had some level of augmented or fanciful reality. The Burton/Schumaker Batman movies, the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy, even Batman Begins to a lesser extent, all felt like watching a fantasy realm that didn’t quite match up with reality.

Skele-God was always going be ridiculous considering the starting point, so they probably said “fuck it” and just leaned into it. Evil-Lyn’s sorceress outfit seemed to make sense with the wholehe thinks she belongs to him” mindset, so it was overly sexualized. Her powered up form? Yeah that was fucking nuts and

Sorry that people worried some comedy might hurt already vulnerable people upsets you so much.

I find a few things interesting here:

I think that was part of the infrastructure bill, lots of stuff got slipped in.

Sounds like Brittney’s being a Christina NAGuilera!

It’s not that complicated. You basically outlined it completely in a single paragraph.

Wow ngl, “Now that Trump lost / stop worrying about bad things being normalized”-11/26/20

This is doubly weird for me, since I’ve always referred to 9/11 as the wardrobe malfunction of America’s foreign policy.

When I was in the Navy, this was playing in the lounge, and when Glenn Close says, “I will not be ignored!” A black girl stood up and said, “tell him sister!”

What the hell was that Dune thing?

Anything by the Cramps. And “Every Day Is Halloween” by Ministry.

I think if you want to put a late-period Simpsons episode in the list, I’d put in “Halloween of Horror” from Season 27 (Good Lord..27). It’s amazingly the only non-Treehouse of Horror Halloween episode they’ve ever done, and it’s very good.

A perfectly cromulent choice in my book. I would submit that Pinhead isn’t a slasher at all. For at leas the first two movies, he isn’t even the villain. And “Hellraiser” is a terrific movie, sure, but it never matches the queasy intensity of TCSM.

Jeepers Creepers suffers from the fact that it was made by an actual pedophile.