Suprise Suprise It's Lando in Disguise

Legion is over, so he’s hardly working on its new season. Fargo - that’s more likely.

You are defending child abuse because a girl said naughty words to you. I can unreservedly state that yes I WOULD argue against her mom hitting her, and yes she SHOULD resent people who are violent towards her. The fact that the only punishment for “atrocious behavior” you can conjure is violence says a lot about you

I was wondering if The Root (aka Black Splinter) was going to spend all its time up until election day trashing our nominee out of pique and a cynical attempt to get clicks.

Marvel: Look how happy they are. Would be a shame if...someone completely undid this with a retcon, or death, or have Mr. Sinister arrange a wedding to the clone of the person you loved who you thought was dead but is actually at the bottom of the ocean in a cocoon of healing created by the Phoenix Force and yet you

My mum asked me once what movie she should bring home, so having not seen Pocahontas I requested that. She comes back with one involving a talking canoe and a canary with the voice of Cam Clarke. 
I’ve yet to see Disney’s Pocahontas to this day.

Announcer: Here she is now, Ellen Burstyn!

I’m just going to keep saying this: we can’t keep asking for solidarity then attack people who step up. Especially those who choose to put their body on the line.

Just wanted to point out that while the leader in question, Bev Barnum,  is not Black she is also not white.

JFC... let it go. See a therapist or something. It was one TV show and it was a year ago.

And that guy’s name was...........Pol Pot.

I’m not sure how Britney Spears “escapes tabloid scrutiny” when it was shit like them publishing upskirt photos of her vag that helped fuel her breakdown in the first place. All of Kanye’s shit, we know because he puts it out there. He’s not being hounded by the press, he’s tweeting this shit from his bunker and then

Stephen King?

While it’s good news that the president recovered,

Morrissey is a racist

No one needs more Joy Reid in their life:

Yes, by all means, let’s prop up this homophobic piece of garbage because she’s the right skin color.

Trump’s own campaign team depicted him as Thanos, a world-ending genocidal villain.

Just another example of how conservatives always completely miss the point when the scream about keeping “SJW” and politics out of comics/sci-fi anything. Like, dude, have you ever READ a comic? Like, these metaphors are constructed so children can understand them.

Leaving out the antisemitism is disingenuous. Just so we’re clear, Nick Cannon agreed with the antisemitic conspiracy theory of Jews controlling the media.