Surly Driver

Tim & Eric were on just to feel topical?


Also known as “Monday.”

Just don’t breathe the fumes, they’re toxic.


So, you say we’re getting a movie?

Just look up the show’s VCR+ code and enter that into your VHS cassette recorder.


Beaten with a sack of iPhones, apparently.

That reminds me… my nephew’s birthday is coming up an I need to get him some LEGO® Bricks or Toys.

“When’s Annie?”

Gold grid on black.

Don’t get me started on 30 Rock. It’s like they film through a fucking nylon mesh.

Get some of <i>this action</i> in there.

Dunkin Donuts. Jack is an ad man working on a campaign for their “Dunk-a-Chino.”

You are the true shitty job creators.

And now, apropos of nothing in particular, I would like some Doritos.

Hey, if we can believe you’re the daughter of a gaffer, we can believe that Toasterlad holds an executive position at NBC.

Waxed, you say?
