
Well, in Soviet Russia, Big Mac eats you! So, they might have some legitimate public safety concerns here...

Miracle Mile. (The ending still seared in my brain)

I'd like to question the loophole in which, if a corporation breaks the law, or kills someone. Who goes to jail? The corporation does not face any legal ramifications other than fines it seems.

I am ready.

She's fucking someone else, bro.

Too bad the movie is going to be terrible regardless.

Don't know why you need to put so much effort into it. I think this costume was just fine.

An interesting legal aside is that if the father and daughter do manage to get recognized as legitimate monarchs of a territory with legal status they might be unintentionally renouncing their US citizenship.

I just didn't want it to end.

"Question: What kind of fire is best? Well, there are two schools of thought..."

But prions are organic!

Well, at least they're doing things together as a family.


Lots of good examples here. Here's another. "Like the beard! Gives me something to HANG ON TO!"

Eric, the Cavalier

Bender Bender Bender. Bender Bender Bender.

Booster Gold was pretty annoying.