
I was told there would be punch and pie.

This is obviously the result of disordered eating and not any attempt at a real "diet." I know everyone seems to think that fruit = automatically healthy, but she's literally just eating straight sugar all day (and mainly fructose, at that). Her pancreas and liver (fructose can only be metabolized in the liver) are

usually eating meals consisting of a huge amount of a single fruit, such as two entire pinapples, five mangoes, two litres of orange juice, 1.4kg of apricots, or 20 bananas.

Now playing

Between this, and the Sex Selfies, all I can gather is that:

Definitely in a good way. Probably the best "real" interpretation of the coveralls that anyone could have hoped for.

In Soviet Russia, anime draw you!

Because there's a dramatic difference in budget between a character in a multi-million dollar summer blockbuster and a character in a weekly hour-long television series.


Canada not even on the list. And we got gay marriages, gun control, and all kinds of socialism going on up here. You would think we would at least place in the top ten.

William Gibson's Bigend Cycle starting with Pattern Recognition. Only barely sci-fi but that is really what defines this era of science fiction for me. We still have epics and space opera but all the best works, to me, are examining the occurring/near future. Gibson continues to show an uncanny ability to chart human

What the fuck, Bellisario?! Did we do something to displease you?!

Why aren't there more movies about businesses heroically crushing the poor?

To be fair, it was a pointless life.

Gonna go with Master Shake

#26 Flu vaccines died in Vietnam
#27 Flu vaccines knew about Pearl Harbor days ahead of time
#28 Flu vaccines collapsed into their own footprint in defiance of laws of physics I just made up
#29 Flu vaccines were born in Kenya