
The key isn’t to get an extra 20 it’s to cut it in half defensively and get an extra 10+ from Ky. Rooting for the Cavs by I’ve come to terms with this series most likely being lost, odds were far-fetched last year and now GS is even better. Those back to back deep 3s from KD and Steph were soul piercing.

My layups look a lot like that at regular speed.


In Martellus Bennett’s defense, every end of the pool is shallow after Jason Whitlock does a cannonball.

And then I’m gonna go up to my fourth-floor apartment and continue to do whatever the hell it is I want to do.

I’m gonna say the slightly obvious here, but Greg Howard did Deadspin and the world a great service by exposing this goddamn malicious phony for what he is.

Measured, reasoned and informative. All the things Whitlock is not.

That was a helluva shot. But one thing I thought about while watching the first half is I think Portland should have drafted Durant instead of Oden

I’ve been saying for a while that Kyrie’s got the best handle I’ve seen since AI was wreaking havoc almost 15 years ago. Add the fact he can shoot like that and he’s a problem.

I’ve done Murph a couple times (no vest), and I think my best time ever was around 55 minutes. For comparison, I can run a mile in 5:30, two miles at 13:00 without feeling particularly winded, rock climb regularly at V4s pushing to V5s, and oh yeah, I played in the fucking NFL.

In related news, Bill O’Brien just received a package containing a poorly worded letter and one of Brock Osweiler’s toes.

No one was injured during the Jets-Browns hostage negotiations.

As a parent of three boys, I just feel so sorry for those kids because of what their asshole, attention-whore father is doing to them.

“Lucy! Lucy, get in here!”

I see we are going the full Skip Bayless today.

if the cavs can’t beat the isaiah thomas-less celtics in 5 without the celtics rolling over, they don’t stand a chance against the warriors no matter how much rest they get

Ah yes. The NBA Playoffs do suck, but you are saying that the CELTICS are the ones draining the “fun” from these playoffs by refusing to get swept. I bet if your knicks were not the worst team ever (Didn’t this site call them a super team at the beginning of the year? LOL) you’d be talking about them showing grit and

Thank god he was using karate.

Now they will be the fresher, much more well-rested favorites, waiting in Oakland for a jet-lagged underdog to arrive.

If there were no salary cap and no max contracts, some teams would undoubtedly spend more, and then all teams would have to spend more, increasing both the potential risk and reward of building a team. 

Methinks the Ley-dy doth protest too much.