
The recent obit of their owner was telling: he basically didn’t give a shit about winning or making the fans happy, he just wanted good Christians in charge.

Found the butthurt Kings fan!

Mike this is you “WAAHH MY TEAM SUCKS SO IT MUST BE BECAUSE OF UNFAIR LACK OF PARITY WAHHH” stfu you clown, warriors drafted their team wth the exception of Durant, what do you want the NBA to do? Make them trade away players to your garbage city so you don’t cry?

False news

Frida and her husband meet a random guy and some scantly clad women and he heads up to party with them and she’s ok with that?

If he finds his swing in AA and AAA, who knows, maybe they’ll make Tebow Harvey’s designated best friend and roommate!

Tebow: [Barging into Harvey’s room, jogging in place] Hey Matthew! It’s 4:30, time to hit the gym!
Harvey: [Groggliy] 4:30? Shit, I overslept. Where are we going for dinner?
Tebow: [doing jumping jacks]

So...he has risen?


This needs exactly one more star. No more, no less.

I pity whoever wakes up next to James Harden, because there is not an inch of that bed that he didn’t shit all over.

god damn it! Does this mean I have to get rid of this?

“Yes, I was out past curfew the night before a game until 4AM. Yes, I went golfing the next day. Yes, I then missed the game I was supposed to attend.

He’s not really undersized or at a physical disadvantage. I’d call it a combo of guys taking shots at him to get him off his game (he’s the best player in the world, so it comes with the territory) and a string of bad luck like his fall into the boards in this article that quickly turned into a serious reoccurring


When asked about the validity of the complaint, the nearly-illiterate Oher said “Bullocks”

It’s not hard to understand the hate the Warriors get. I mean, they play unselfish basketball, they have fun playing the game, they are undeniably fun to watch even if the games are blowouts, they have Javale McGee and his thirty-foot wingspan grabbing cars from the Nimitz Freeway and alley-ooping them, they have

And unless I missed something, they are only asking politely and not threatening any punishment. This seems reasonable.

Thing is, I don’t think Lowry is any worse than Kyrie. The advanced stats are certainly all in his favor.

The thing is LeBron James, full stop. Besides him, every other superstar plays in the west. Maybe John Wall or IT (if he sustains this level) could get there. Maybe Giannis gets there soon.

Right now though—as

I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer whatever watered-down horse swill is on a super special.