Venkata Raja

I actually do know what normal means. And if you are literally stating the weight of your daughter today (where i was clearly referring to a hypothetical) - I guess we are done talking. I tried to help you understand a different perspective, since I felt you might be interested in it. But, I don't think you want to

Indeed, if there was any issue with relevancy - I believe there is a moderator, who would have deleted my comments. It does not make sense to go into a discussion, and just label your opponent as some "woman hating misogynist", especially without any basis for that. I make no claims that the person who wrote this

I have enough validation of the relevancy to this discussion, because I am seeing it from experts in public health forums who oppose the approach of media in this regard.

"Given that the average woman in the United States wears a size 14, and plus-size clothing is generally considered to start at either a 12 or a 14, depending on who you’re asking, the average American woman is, in fact, plus-size. Doesn’t that just make her average?" And also, "Considering women make up 51 percent of

Again, this where we disagree and the statisticians, the doctors, and scientists continue to be on my side. The relevancy is that if you take the average size of a population that is unhealthy, and claim that average size to be healthy — you just labelled something as healthy - when it really comes an unhealthy

I never said I am the first and only person. What I simply said is the article does not make any reference to it. It simply takes the average size of the american population, which has grown over time, and wants to advocate that it be seen as normal and healthy. People on this form, keep challenging my facts on

I should point out there is a perspective on caste that makes it easy to absorb. Let me clarify - I am vastly against it, and most Indians you speak to will hate it to. A few years ago, I simply hated it and didn't bother to really think about why it came into existence. This is longer discussion - but if you

It highly depends on how much you read about him and from him. Secondly, you have to understand the time in which he spoke. During this time, women were not voting in America. Democrats were the racist ones. Our parties switched platforms decades later. we had complete segregation of blacks in this country, at a

a lot of maybe's - how about you just check your facts that we do among the OECD countries? you can make up whatever you want - I am going by legit research, from the OECD - http://www.oecd-ilibrary.or…

actually - i never mentioned Schumer even once. you are welcome to ctrl-f. i didn't even refer to her as a pronoun. i honestly have nothing to say about her. my contention is just with the author of the article, who suggests because the average size of women in America is 14, we should label 14 or 16 as average,

good point - and there may be a number of reasons for this. one could be that everyone is just so much bigger now (although unlikely over just 20 years), or the emotional aspect of being labelled at "large" has really weighed in. As a datapoint, many people talk about Marilyn monroe being a size 16. To be clear,

For anyone who read this - it is of course taken out of context. firstly, the original used the word negroes, not the word suggested by N*****. I am not sure if the attempt here is to discredit the character or not, and thereby make his point invalid. I should clarify he is not my Swami, and I am sure he is even a

I disagree, as I have already received 2 private messages that support and commend my analysis. You may chose to disagree with it - and that is your decision. I am curious on what grounds, because the argument is mathematically sound and will hold up in any classroom in the country or medical office or department of

I am just going to go more direct, rather than all levels of math.…. Average american female per this, has a BMI of 29. Theoretically, we took the dress sizes of the same population (of course actual sample sizes and methodology code vary). (also, note, some countries are higher, and my

gospel of salvation - what? ok - you clearly want to be dense, so I am going to break this down for you. If 69% percent of the population is overweight - what does that do the average? If 30% are clinically obese - not just overweight, what does that do the average? if you don't follow yet - I am stating simple

yea - it's totally made up. i magically went back in time, and put it on the CDC website, and a host of other places. obesity and related chronic illnesses, are totally fake. do you a business card you can send me - I'd like to refer some patients to you as their PCP?

since you read my post, and think it is shit - you must think it's a great idea to hypothetically have a 20 year old daughter, clinically diagnosed as obese, and tell her that based on stats, she is normal and she should ignore her doctor because he is totally making "shit" up increased risk of diabetes, stroke,

indeed - facts that look out for healthy medical outcomes are just shitty pure evil. it's much better to blindly agree with something, and get on a SJW bandwagon. :)

For those who interested in the intellectual side of this and willing to read this . . . it is worth noting that the CDC found that Average american woman weight has increased at least 18.5 percent from 1960 to 2010, factoring in changes in height and everything. There is a continued upward trajectory. 35.1% of

See - i think again, people not fully reading and just reading what they want. I disagree with something, and people want to read it as if I am pure evil. Yes, if you read my post - health is my concern. I clearly delineate, that as a parent, if my 20 year daughter is a size 16 and has to shop in the plus size