I asked for Riesling, not Chardonnay!
I asked for Riesling, not Chardonnay!
Nonsense. After watching the CW, I can confidently say that having a wife means that statistically the LW is likely a woman.
Damn straight. Blue is the proper way to cook steak.
Word of advice, though:
The solution to the writer’s dilemma is really very simple. They only have to tell their friend that they’ve also invited their ex.
One female thala-siren disagrees.
Well, he did recently revive his Woody.
Ah, well. I hope you don’t pine after them...
Why are we upset about boobs again?
That is so upside down. To quote the Flight of the Conchords from their song Ladies of the World:
I bet he gets a lot of flac over that name.
Not Gus’ brother, Gus’ lover.
I posted this in response to another post, but it’s equally relevant to yours:
I think there’s more to the story. Interestingly enough, mainland Chile is one of the few regions in South America where the coati is not found. The writers surely know this. I believe Gus was using the term coati in an allegorical sense - his tortured prey was really another young boy who stole the fruit.
Betcha before the end of next episode.
Exactly. Forget to log out of Kotaku one day, the next minute she’s on discussions under his profile...
Don’t... make me google gordon ramsey lookalike dwarf pornstar killed and eaten by badgers...
Yep, good ol’ lambs fry, fried up with bacon, onions and slathered over with Worcestor sauce.
Damn you! I’ve never seen The Crying Game!