after watching the clip, I'd say "verbally destroys" is pretty damned accurate.
after watching the clip, I'd say "verbally destroys" is pretty damned accurate.
I love this clip so much. Louis C.K. is amazing.
As a petite person with big knockers but a narrow back, finding a bra that fits is an ongoing quest for the Holy Grail. Over the course of my life, I have come to realize that size is bullshit - different companies' sizes are different, and being a 34 DD in a Wacoal means nothing when it comes to other brands or…
Tina Fey is not a writer who does anything on a throw-away basis. I don't have any doubt that this was a reference to the rape accusations against Cosby.
We DO know Jackie's real name - it's Jackie. In the WaPo article, Erdely notes that she did not use a pseudonym for her.
I have to disagree. I am Jewish and have always felt at ease here.
I didn't know about it until recently either.
I see what you did there.
Agreed. I find it so much funnier than it used to be.
Congrats on your impending motherhood. You're going to do great. In my experience, a little bit of gentle push-back is all that's needed when people try to treat you like a delicate flower, or as if being a mom is the end-all be-all of your existence — people will get the picture pretty quickly. Good luck!
I think it's more of a question of being a good trick-or-treating neighborhood than necessarily a super-wealthy neighborhood. I live in an intown neighborhood in Denver, solidly middle class, by no means super wealthy. But it's an amazing trick-or-treating neighborhood - it's urban, so the houses are relatively…
Definitely do a search for #realanimalsfakepaws on youtube - some of the videos folks have put together using the footage provided by Last Week Tonight and audio recordings of SCOTUS oral arguments is truly inspired.
Because it's horrible. Judges grant extensions all the time for a multitude of reasons, be it illness, vacation, conflicts with other cases, mom's coming to visit, whatever. Knowing how long immigration cases can drag on, it's entirely possible (if not likely) that she signed the client before she got pregnant. But…
Statistically, obesity in this country is on a consistent and steady rise, so I do think there is cause for concern, but I absolutely agree that collectively we need to figure out how to both educate people about how, what and how much to eat, how to work regular movement and exercise into their lives, and how to make…
First of all, I never said anything about fat prejudice. That wasn't part of my comment at all.
I love that kid. I have a son that age - it's the best age ever. So much fun.
health may not be a priority for some people, but it is an objective fact that obesity drastically increases the risk of major health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gall bladder disease, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, and joint problems.
You can get a SSN if you're a resident alien (or authorized to work in the US), but you have to be a citizen to have a US passport. I'm thinking poor Joe isn't the brightest bulb on the tree...