
"He even predicts how computers will eventually let us telecommute, and as Clarke always was, is optimistic that these new technologies will enrich humanity instead of isolating us."

I agree, hence my opening statement about this being fine for most consumers. I was simply stating that for myself, I prefer the hi-def audio option along with 1080p video quality, as I take pride in my armed and fully operational home theater battle station. Er... I mean, home theater system.

I think this would work fine for most consumers looking for the best bang for their buck with regards to video quality, but I'm still a firm believer that great video quality is only half the experience. The other half, being great audio quality, is integral to the home theater experience. Until the day comes when

I find it funny and ironic that none of the comments here pertain to the story, but rather to a picture that another commenter posted of some guy smoking a cigar. Apparently the photo has gone viral since people know about it and it's many references, and Im sure the person in the photo isn't seeing a dime.

Until this "planet" is featured on TSC's "How The Universe Works" and Mike Rowe is talking about it, it doesn't exist to me.

Given the recent colder weather in the US, I'm sure those still opting for the analog rendezvous are forced IN to the local Denny's. The "Moons Over My Hammy" terminology remains the same, however.

@Faxmonkey: This was my laugh of the day. Thank you!

What I find interesting is that despite their initial reactions, every woman continues to watch anyway.

Living in earthquake/fire-prone Southern California I've often had to think about what I would take if only split seconds were available. The wife and kids are my obvious first, and second would be a small collection of important documents proving things like my birth, SSN, financial docs, etc. Everything else, in the

Marty: Bartender says that's the strongest stuff they got.

Having done my fair share of DJ'ing in college and, more recently, house parties for those same crowds, just now with kids and responsibility, I've used many different turntables. The Technics are, by far, the best turntable for the money. To this day I still keep my pair set up in the living room for parties and the

As the owner of a classic standup, coin-op Mrs. Pac Man, half the fun is having the same machine that can be found in the arcades of old. This includes things like working coin slots and the fancier geegaws mentioned. Owning a pinball machine (Theatre of Magic), a dream I hope to realize one day, is no exception.

Nice to see Aragorn's brother getting work these days.

Part of me wonders what will happen once the iPhone does become available on Verizon's network, in terms of the sheer data usage that occured with ATnT. Will the influx of existing Verizon customers, coupled with new prospects, who all decide to begin using iPhone cause Verizon's CDMA band to become sluggish?

@rev02: Why the hell wouldn't you parachute into a stadium full of captain crunch cereal?

Simply amazing. My grandfather, a WWII Veteran, would appreciate these as well. Fantastic imagery.

In my own head I fancy myself somewhat of an electronic music connoisseur, and while I have much respect for Daft Punk and their work, I'm not so sure what I've heard here fits the picture of an older, darker TRON world as the trailers would have me believe. Unless no credit has been given, I'm surprised to see nary a

@pastor.allan: "and by "race airplanes" I mean "eat doritos"]. "

@BurstAneurysm: Unfortauntely it won't. I thought this same thing when I purchased that very same upgrade kit you mentioned. "If one slot will recognize a 2GB card, then why won't the other?" And to this, I have no clue, I just know I've read it won't do it.