sure that's fine

Why do people who don’t have allergies/dietary restrictions feel the need to play the “what would happen if you ate this” game? i have had two colon resection and there’s a bunch of shit I’m not supposed to eat. I probably won’t die if someone slips a little flour or dairy in my food but too much can be very painful

I’m allergic to tomatoes, potatoes and all other nightshades, people NEVER believe me.

Tried to stay friends.

Fair enough. :) I still second your call for a trans woman to be featured!

Hi Katherine The Grape :) I hope you will take a moment and read through all of the incredibly kind comments others have left for me. It has been so touching. And it would be so wonderful if you could feel this as well. I’d love to see your Mall Makeover.

When you look into the abyss that is a sporting event, sometimes the abyss looks back and calls you a fucking asshole.

To recap, I was called both a “faggot” and a “chink” tonight by choker’s fans. To the first comment, I replied “I’d rather be a faggot than a BITCH!”

Oh, people getting sick in public. Nope, nope, nope, nope.

I can’t with sports and sports fans.

Someone asked last week why the Mall Makeover series even exists, suggesting that these are inherently uninteresting. THIS right here is more than enough justification for this to exist (just to be clear, I love this series and enjoy every single article).

Here’s a vote of support if you decide to do it! :)

They also don’t believe in evil. After reading their tenets...I kinda want to join.

Paradise Lost is Milton’s In Cold Blood.

I’d be really, really interested to see a trans woman do this. Because reasons. (I’ve always wanted to do one of these but have always been afraid to do it because, well, trans.)

Point of order. It’s “sweet baby Damien”. In the “infernal trinity” Lucifer is the father, Damien the son, I don’t know who the False Prophet is though. (FoxNews?)

The Satanic Temple don’t believe in Satan as an actual entity, nor do they worship him.

Actually it has already worked. In Oklahoma (I believe) they sued to be able to put a statue of Baphomet next to the statue of the 10 commandments and won. I think a Hindu group is putting up their own statue too. It’s literally how the laws work, and that’s the point. They’re written with the intention of excluding

Every time I read about these guys I feel like Milton: in the Devil’s party and I didn’t even know it.

I assume once you convert, you will find the answer to “What the hell?”

I dont think that this will work at all, but I will say a prayer to sweet baby Lucifer if it does. I think this is one of the most brilliant, beautiful things I have ever read and stand beside these people. My heart goes out to Mary and every other woman who has had to deal with this.