sure that's fine

Buy vintage costume jewelry if you like the styles. Or go buck wild on Pinterest and your local crafting emporium. Unless that is Hobby Lobby. Eff them. They are why we can’t have nice things!

Life is shit. Get used to it!

That’s one flattering photo of him for that era.

When you have money you can choose not to spend it and invest or stuff it in your mattress maybe.

Interesting. I asked about modafinil but insurance doesn’t want to cover it for ADHD. After the first few weeks of adderall I stopped being nauseated and vomiting constantly (Zofran and Reglan didn’t help nor did hydroxyzine pamoate) and tolerate it very well. I’m normotensive and my slight LA enlargement hasn’t

Yup. Mentioned this down thread with respect to pho and ramen as I enjoy them but feel conflicted.

Possibly vascular surgeon too. Don’t forget tons of nurses and the anesthesiologist.

I’ve not done the plasma donation before but it’s also an apherisis procedure. They sort all the plasma out of whole blood then mix the hematocrit with saline and give that back IV. It can be painful and can take a long time. That’s why they pay!

Fun fact: universal blood donors are the inverse when it comes to plasma. For blood the true universal donor is O-. This means no antigens to A and B blood or Rh factor.

It may be safer than taking steroids and painkillers like oxycodone as far as side effects and abuse potential. But if you’re actually smoking you are at risk for certain cancers, if you vape or use edibles you are still at risk of a very unpleasant overdose if you aren’t familiar with the product and dosage.

Amphetamines are usually brand or generic adderall. Adderall is a racemic mixture of both amphetamine and dextroamphetamine salts. Dextroamphetamine on it’s own is sold as brand name Dexedrine.

Not in my profession. I got reprimanded for using meclizine at work. You may know this as Bonine an OTC motion sickness and nausea medication. It made me too slow or something. I have a nasty GI disorder and can spend months vomiting10x per day. It is absolutely bs.

They are really picky on plasma donations. I have been harangued for years to do it because of my blood type and I’m really looking into doing it now.

Uncle Sam sanctioned Dexedrine but rx meds outside of work aren’t cool. Okie dokie. I have to suffer in debilitating pain pretty often because my profession is very very anti drug. Yes I have a prescription for the medication and took it only as often as prescribed or less often if not needed. Doesn’t matter. Test

I wish I could afford CF tickets. I had season passes for a few years back in 90s and early 00s and there is just no on earth I could do this again.


Nm I’m an idiot. I bet some asshole has tried to buy an off number of nuggets though. Like I’m a lil too hungry12

Like it’s a hilarious prank to sprinkle some arsenic on your enemy’s food and the law totally accepts that you were just joking.

17 individual nuggets or 17 orders of X nuggets per order? Either way it’s fuckton of mangled and reconstituted chicken products.