sure that's fine

Or the lack of guard rails on mountains. Or the fact that backing down from a white knuckle game of chicken on these 1.25 lane mountain roads will result in centuries of dishonor for the chump who doesn’t want to die on a mountain today dammit’ s family.

In other news, it rains anatomically incorrect hearts over Viennese cross walks

Substances that mix oils with water are emulsifiers. Lotions, creamy cleansers, body washes are emulsions. So is latex paint, for that matter. I don’t think that emulsion was mentioned here, nor was the simple explanation of a surfactant for cleansing: it makes water “wetter” so the dirt and microbes and dead skin

Ask if the doctor will accept a bottle (14 doses of 17g) bottle of Miralax and 15mg Dulcolax (generic name: bisacodyl) as the bowel prep. You can buy both over the counter and they taste somewhat less horrible.

Oh dear lord GoLytely! Tasteless, less voluminous Miralax is also PEG. They are osmotic laxatives (pull water into your GI tract to make it easier to poop) . Thankfully my GI doc now prescribes Miralax and Dulcolax tablets. This is much easier to choke down. You have to chill the hell out of both to make them go down.

I’m a fully qualified cat nanny. Which is totally a thing one can claim to be if a responsible cat owner who will (and has) chart on signs and symptoms and bring them to the vet immediately if King Fluffybottom starts acting out of sorts. I may also put funny hats on the cat and send pictures. Feline indignation is

Traditional marriage is the exchange of a daughter from father’s property to that of her husband. Some very conservative families still encourage this. If you grow up thinking and being reinforced that what you must do to be honorable is to marry a successful man, it is very hard to break from that. You may even be

This happens when you marry a narcissist. Especially a financial savant who can’t drink anymore. Once you are “acquired” (married) they treat are one more thing to order around and control.

Also, a person could have health problems they are keeping quiet that could preclude working, or any number of other things. We don’t know. Why get mad?

That’s really unlikely when he’s successful at finance and investment. He may promise this prior to wedding and you will believe him. This is probably bullshit unless it’s in writing or he’s a unicorn.

My teachers were all somehow Castilian accent aficionados. Mi Espanol es muy listhpy. Also, do you need a nanny? I would loooove to go back , speak Spanish and am a nurse. Like really, not just on the internet!

Right? You lose weight fast enough and your hormones freak out, let alone being hangry. This is not helpful to maintain one’s Buddha nature.

I’m on the adderall Welbutrin and heartbreak diet. I’m so much thinner (a personal and joint pain related goal) and able to focus on not getting completely screwed by the man who is my height, literally twice my weight, and calls me a fatass even though I’m fit and height weight proportionate now.

As a really tall woman with an extensive wing span (and a short tumultuous marriage) I’ve been subjected to and caught the tossed bouquet at every damn wedding where this was a thing. Since I was a teen.

Shaving Tips! You have to preplan this undertaking! Get a brand new razor for every face shave (or learn to sharpen and oil your blades) , preferable a men’s one: they are cheaper and the moisture strips on girl razors make me break out more.

I can pluck anywhere but right around my lips. Hairline, side burns, legs, bikini line , decolletage but my fluffy upper lip hairs need the occasional shave.

Only do it at night then. H2O2 will open your teeth up to more staining. Drink coffee through a straw if you can bear it (it’s summer in northern hemisphere, so maybe iced coffee) ,dilute the coffee with milk unless unable to have it, drink it as fast as possible, then at bare minimum rinse thoroughly after your

As someone who has had major weight shifts, I take so much solace in cosmetics as accessories. I will never be too thick or thin for my lipstick or eyeliner.

I hope that no ever corrects her, assuming instead that she is just bad at telling jokes.

Oh God, thank you! You’re the Verbal Klimt to horrible stupid sorority girls.