sure that's fine

This is what clinical rotations are for: so students can practice their skills on consenting patients they never see again, with an instructor present and malpractice insurance benefits present.

We weren’t allowed to practice IV starts and blood draws on each other. Some students did then posted pictures on social media. They were permanently expelled and everyone remaining in the program was strictly lectured.

Every pelvic exam makes me a little grateful that I’ve never tried to push a human out of me.

It’s so much easier to cath a male though and a lot less sexual since most men do not seek things up this route. Yes, I know what sounding is, but the population into that is wat less than people with vaginas who like something put in them occasionally.

I’ve always thought more medical people should experience the procedures they subject patients to. Not like this, though.

Now I know where the creeper xray tech who kept complimenting me on my cute underwear as I tried to get into position for films went to school.

Right? They plop a ton of KY Jelly on the probe cover, have you take some deep breaths and go slowly.

“Turn off that racket and get off my damn lawn,” is my take too. I don’t get the appeal of giving myself a migraine or being around a bunch of people abusing questionable substances.

Was the fact that PUAs exist not enough proof of their inherent sadness? Does anyone not part of their weird little club think they are even pretty ok?

But then you’d have to pronounce eh-beeeth-ah in an overwrought Castilian accent , while speaking nothing else in Spanish .

NO is the Austin of LA though. So you’re going to have a lot more open minded people and more modern sensibilities having been filtering the cesspool of generations of anachronistic antebellum social politics.

Protestant is a Christian believer not in the Catholic church. And yes, the south has Southern Baptists, a church founded because white people got pissy when they started getting criticised for thinking black people were property.

You are all human beings. Not defective household appliances that that need smacked in order to do what you want them to. I’m trying to extricate myself from living with someone who takes the “yell and be an insufferable asshole till you are so defeated you just give in” school of negotiations. Maybe I would not be in

I’m so sorry! Some people either never learned that one catches more flies with honey than vinegar, or are so self important that they don’t care.

If someone is loitering on the property, menacing customers, vandalizing, or stealing: those are crimes.

Why do people call CSRs and tech support and think “maybe if I’m a huge enough asshole, the problem I wish to remedy will magically go away faster? “

According to BCO at least one of the “homeless” is Eddie Vedder.

I certainly can, but prefer it to be sterile, mixed with 0.9% NaCl, and in a convenient application bottle. Because no addiction is worth brain parasites.

I know it isn’t everyone as studies have shown that people who actually practical safe sane and consensual bdsm are more mentally healthy than the vanilla population. I’ve known plenty others who have good partnerships and enjoy their kinks, but unfortunately, I’m not on the list.

I do love a good, smooth flowing pen. I’m partial to gel pens as I write like an architect with a concussion and this makes my rapid, capital letter scrawl so much easier to execute.