sure that's fine

Swampy Palmettobugland is my first suggestion, but maybe retake Florida and call the others Methtopians.

I have to assume that a lot of crimes arw committed out of this level of ignorance/ desperation.

I will straight write CASH on the tip line if I have an appropriate amount. Imo it’s reinforcing that there is a tip, it is in cash monies and that I’m not going to have someone think that I stiffed them if the cash isn’t immediately visible in the bilk folder.

For real. This lady clearly did not serve my MiL while snowbirding down there. If she were a few years younger, she’d be a CFO somewhere big.

Really, everyone with skin, hair and nails needs Millihelen. I love the hell out that particular sub Kinja and need to write for them soon.

Your climate sounds nice. I’ll soon have no reason to live in this place of overly dramatic seasons, with blizzards every winter and brown out due to heat in the summer. The reasons are sad, but I’m rather curious about the rest of the U.S. since I have a profession which I could literally practice anywhere.

It’s not corny at all! I really appreciate it. I’m an intelligent, independent minded person but when faced with losing my partner, the only parents I’ve ever known and the in laws I love, well, it doesn’t always lead to rational decision making.

how about a hot guy hits on me cos I’m being dumped by an objectively less than average looking guy? And my self self-esteem would really benefit, so it would just be a good will gesture, gentlemen.

I also am pro leggings in the cooler months too! I’m really tall too so I like the extra modesty with shorter dresses.

Thank you! I spend a lot of time at the APL and am looking at volunteering at a local hospice. They love people with medical backgrounds and caregiving experience to help out.

It burns! I’ve struggled up and down with my weight for a decade but even in a single digit size, my thighs are going to meet.

The sad thing is that this situation, with one or both parents in a divorce accusing the other of abusing or neglected the children, is NOT uncommon. It’s twisted and horrible, but 2 people who have....a contentious relationship, are totally capable of accusing each of everything from infidelity to being the

Oh god yes! Thankfully, I am in therapy and doing a lot journaling, art and talking to a few amazing friends with whom I can relax and have a glass of wine with. So many people have worse situations, with physical violence and worse for example. But it’s so much bullshit though.

My randomish story: I dated at 18 year old at 14-15. We only kissed, once. It was pretty innocent but my parents were not thrilled. My mom knew I’d had sex before and, being a terrible person, just presumed I’d spread my legs for any non relative who looked in my general direction.

I know this intellectually. But my heart keeps screaming that I must do everything in my power to make it work.

Thank you! I’m sorry you’re going through this too. I am seeing a therapist and have been for a long time. He also finally started to see someone for counseling finally. And of course, we did therapy together. I’m like, the Oprah of therapy: I think everyone would be happier if they had a little or a lot.

We’ve been slowly unfolding the conversation. I plan on having the rest of it tomorrow before we have yet another round of settlement discussions. It’s agonizing and I appreciate the kind words.

No, now he’s trying to divorce me against my every protestation and in spite of the fact that once we gave up trying to be the couple that is super duper perfect and instagramable all the time, we got back the awesome relationship we had when we started dating. I kvetched about all this up thread already. Last year

it’s not mutual: he’s straight up dumping me. I begged for a month to go to counseling and he went a total of 3 times. But he’s been as sweet to me lately as we was while we were first dating. Very supportive, very friendly, listening to me, even just hanging out and talking. The sex isn’t messing with my head: it’s

Thank you! I sincerely appreciate that. I know that I’ll eventually be ok, regardless. But right now, man...that day is way off in the horizon.