It's nothing personal and I'm sorry but OH GOD I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW.
Wow. The massive concentration of dears/sweethearts/honeys and "males like you don't belong here" is making my head hurt.
But I can't remember the last time I saw a discussion on violence in games that wasn't tied to knee jerk reactions after violent crimes. I think it's more than just clickbait at work there.
Because we (general we) are ridiculously desensitized to violence and gore, and saying you're (general you) uncomfortable with that isn't always well received?
OH. MY. GOD. I'm dying over here!
I'm not normally one for humor based on awkward situations, but I would've loved to be a fly on the wall when that particular assignment was handed out.
<insert grumpy cat face>
I searched the page to see if someone else had said this, because I really, really hoped someone else had already been that guy. Happily, I get to piggy-back off you!
I...I'm pretty sure I'd want the earth to open up and swallow me at that point.
Comprehensive sex ed that talks about the many non-intercourse options out there is important, but I can't think of any good reason for that to include a student being pressured to disclose to a group of their peers what sex acts they are comfortable with. (And being asked by an authority figure in an environment…
End of 9th grade for me. I felt like such a weirdo! And it wasn't any easier for the one friend I had who started very early. Teenagers are already preoccupied with wanting to be different or fearing that they are too different- so this is just a weird exercise.
I had my "main" killed by meteor in TS3, and I'll admit- I was pretty disproportionately angry.
That was a truly glorious autocorrect. All the points to you (and your phone) - I can't stop giggling!
I don't....I just...can't even....WHAT.
Lessee, an acquired taste for better beer and more disposable income to indulge with? Yes, I think it's safe to say I drink more regularly than I once did. But I've gotten very selective- I don't touch mixed drinks, I would rather have tea than crappy beer and it doesn't upset me to go without. Unless it's something…
Absolutely. I was thinking about the other end of the equation, though- all the people who buy into "safe" photo and file sharing services. Privacy settings aren't worth crap in the face of potential exploits or even good ol' social engineering.
Also, no matter how clever you think you are with tech or how secure a service claims to be, there is always someone out there who's more clever....and more malicious. Lots of awesome people out there in the ether, but always a few nasty ones, too.
Mine just wouldn't let me out until I did it. Obviously they had better self-preservation instincts than your friends. ;)
At least with Bloody Mary, we thought she would come kill US if we summoned her- or so the urban legend went in my neck of the woods. It was more suicidal than homicidal. So, uh, that's something?