
There are millions of people in this country that don’t have clean water 

Well, of course. They are just whiny pissbabies at their core

“Protesting” a.k.a. driving around being astroturf incarnate is better than going back to dealing with brokers and getting loads from one place to another. Basically, they don’t wanna work because grifting is easier.

People donate money. They use those donations to pay themselves to drive around and be public douchebags. They don’t ever want this to end.

We are done listening to your lies. We bought them for a little bit. We thought you guys actually believed in what we were standing for and we actually believed you were going to do what we asked you to do as our representatives.

True, the protest isn’t fascist. However the mechanism of governance that’s generally supported by convoy members is fascistic and authoritarian. At this point in recent history, anyone coming to Portland to protest has to have raised in a vacuum these past few years to not know where they were going and what the

Bullies like this only understand violence and threats of violence. They see kindness as weakness. If we keep being nice to them we can expect more of the same, so I’m glad someone is finally messing their shit up.

Given their way, they turn straight to fascism. Not a time to both-sides this thing.

I love how this is the line all the way up to and beyond them actually storming the Capital. Just ignore them, they’ll just grow in fervor until there’s an unorganized outburst of political violence, nbd.

Given that we don’t have a fascist system of government, and given that opposition to the government is absolutely no the same as being anti-fascist, these guys aren’t anti-fascist. Rather, they’re big fans of the last guy, who made no secret of his own fascist inspiration. 

No the two groups of assholes are the dipshit fascists in the convoy and the dumbasses who think morality is to pretend like both sides are the same. Oh wow you ran over a thing once and that means that people actually putting themselves at risk to disrupt these bigots are equally bad? Please for the love of god put

well they are a group of fascists, so anyone who opposes them is antifa by definition

I like how they call anyone who just doesn’t want them clogging up the roads in their town “Antifa,” as if being opposed to traffic jams is some sort of radical left conspiracy.

In the spirit of Carvana’s insulting offer for my car, I will offer to buy the company for $10,000. The offer comes with a free bonus of spamming their inbox constantly asking if they want to sell for basically nothing.

If it’s an electric Maverick, Dearborn can have my money right now.

I prefer this one.

You have a point that the new trucks are enormous. My 2021 is 21 feet long; I didn’t realize my truck is actually a few inches longer than a 9th generation F series crew cab with an 8 foot bed (and 2.5 feet longer than the truck shown in the slideshow). As much as I love my truck, it is a tremendous pain in the ass to

I end up wondering this every week

Wow. Turned out...fair?  Im suprised.

You are assuming that it is the car that is not functioning properly. Much greater likelihood that it is the driver who is not functioning properly.