
If it’s a Class A, which is basically a bus, I could easily see towing this newly minted hunk at speed without much of a fuss. Class As are huge for one thing, and if it’s a diesel (meaning the biggest of the Class As) then it has mountains of torque while also making it nearly impossible to see the Jeep behind you

I know people who moved from the SoCal/AZ area *to* Missouri because it was different (for them, not for political reasons). Now they’re caught there at this worst possible time. (Until the next worst possible time, of course.)

And they will blame every shred of it on Biden and the Dems. They’re already doing it, claiming more people have died under Biden than Drumpf. And to hell with anyone that dares point out how quickly this could’ve been nipped in the bud had 45 not been a particularly stupid Fascist whose decisions around the virus

Politically, Missouri is such a fetid landscape of ignorance, superstition, and whatever power those first two can muster. Which in this case is an insane rightist fiefdom. Anyone who has driven through the state in recent years can see it in their interstate billboards. Most of them are devoted to god, guns, and

A sizable potential problem for this for RV owners is not only the added cost of needing full electric-only “generator” batteries and enough solar to keep them charged, but the potential for increased weight and the attendant reduction in payload capacity of the trailer. Some trailers, even big 5th wheels, may not

To that I will say that there is a kernel of potential truth to that because this guy drove past dozens if not a hundred or so people before the ensuing carnage. The video shot from a sidewalk much further back on the parade route showed him driving the car past swaths of parade kids and floats in the middle of the

And lezbehonest nobody takes OAN seriously.”

Think about what you typed for a few seconds. Did you know what OAN was 3 years ago? How do you think you know about them now? Are you aware AT&T execs fund them? Are you aware they have “correspondents” in the White House press briefing room?

Never, ever underestimate

Assuming this happened as a result of a police chase - which hasn’t been solidly determined yet - I agree, there’s no way in hell police procedure will change. For one thing the local anger and rage and the very fresh racial divisions sowed over Kenosha, which is very close by, will to my mind ensure that police

As with the Boston bombing (not that act and its intent necessarily but the flow and quality of information), everything I’ve read up to now has been changed. The name of the suspect, how many suspects there were, the precipitating events, the proposed intent behind the incident, everything.

I generally agree. As much as I hate to say it, ICE’s need to come off the roads *stat*. And why auto-start/stop hasn’t been mandated is baffling to me. If all new cars had it that would save untold amounts of burned fuel. I own a diesel 1-ton truck for towing purposes and every time I get in it I wish I had

I have no details about what work you do and what products/services your union works on, but I would suggest that you try changing your union from the inside or seeking help from another union nearby. How long has your union been operating? Most times I hear about union corruption it’s a union that has been entrenched

Damn. I always forget how honest-to-goodness good-looking that first 300ZX is. That’s some peak 80s and a timeless riff on the C4 Vette.

Pinal County.

Or tow companies. I’ve had my vehicle towed before. Those guys didn’t give a shit about peoples’ cars.

Ah, forgot about those. Ya many 80s GM cars had spares mounted there. If I recall correctly they had a huge wingnut to make it somewhat easier to unmount it from that panel.

The law must be different out in the hinterlands because, I imagine, if I did this in the core of a big city I would not be allowed to just saunter on home after the inconvenience of being stopped because I ran over 3 people, one of them fatally. Are these two incidents an example of big city law vs. ol’ country law

I was taking my kids to an area of the coastline in the Corpus Christi area last year on the north side of the ferry. The area was right off the 2-lane highway and there was enough traffic in the area that it wouldn’t be a huge deal if I got stuck. But anyhow, to get to the area of interest I had to figure out which

The homes may cost $700k but that’s like blaming someone with a regular everyday job living in a family-inherited home in Cali worth $1m. That’s the cost of housing. It’s entirely another thing if the elected official in question has direct business conflicts of interest while driving cars his constituents couldn’t

Except that didn’t happen. In fact many of the cases where it did were instigated by outsiders not tied to the protests themselves. Portland is one example.

No. He’s being shamed for being a massive corporatist senator holding the passing of federal policy initiatives meant to help people, start resolving AGW, and create jobs hostage because, well, he’s a greedy corporatist driving an expensive car while taking a taxpayer salary and having blatant business conflicts of