
LOL you buy that crap?

It would be more red meat for his troglodytic base. But anyone honestly proferring to roll back emission standards would have been tilting at windmills even if this were 2012. How would you sell cars getting more value out of a gallon of gas or a unit of energy generated in any kind of powerplant even to the average

Mmmm, you sound like a tone-policing asshat. Democrats should work with the GOP?


They absolutely did make manual Bajas. Doug Demuro just reviewed one a few days ago.

My first thought, too. I was just watching this 4 days ago...

Nope. They are “skating to where the puck is going to be”. I think they both see that Tesla has made some waves, and the sooner they follow suit, the sooner electric EoS will come down.

This was known as far back as I think F&F6. Each top-billed male had as part of their contract that they can’t really lose any of their fights, including the ones with the other top-billed male actor(s). I’m sure some of it is ego, but I’m also sure more of it has to do with future marketability and how good your

I’ve been surprised that though we now have power figures for this mill, nobody has highlighted the OHV (the “cam-in-block” term, while being more accurate, sounds stupid) design of this engine, especially coming from a company that spent more than 2 decades putting OHC V8s in their HDs. Clearly simplicity and

Right. Just look the Teklanika River up on a map (since the average human has the ability to do that from just about anywhere in this age). It’s dead-center in the middle of a state that is as large as half of the rest of the country, and the only “close” “city” is Fairbanks (60+ miles away at best) and even then it’s

Fun fact: Other than the C2, the C7 Vette was the shortest-lived generation.

That’s already the case.

Ya, the last 12 months I’d been thinking “there’s no way Chevy is going to price this thing at 6 figures to start; they’d kill the brand and a big portion of their fan base.” But I couldn’t see how the price wouldn’t go up to a lot closer to 6 figures. But making an exotic for a lower price than any exotic has ever

Agreed. Although, the more these videos are reported on, the more I’m wanting a whole exterior camera recording, so that there’s no doubt. A driving telemetrics overlay would also help seal a court case quickly.

I’m beginning to think there is something very wrong with the way GM does business if they don’t find it worthwhile to continue building a good car that outsells many of its competitors in the segment.”

It really amazes me how much prowess went into making this car, for it to be put out to pasture 5 minutes after hitting the streets. Like what happened with Chrysler and the 200 in 2013: You just got done spending all that cash, and the second the door closes behind the next child leaving the nest, it’s been pushed

Beyond being the only person for potentially thousands of miles that can say they have one of these, why go for this when you can find newer US MkIV GTIs with the same engine (or the VR6), interior and tech much more sorted, etc., and never have to worry about the long arm of the law? Even if this car were once

Except that dockless big wheels would be awesome and far more plausible than pogo sticks. My sense of morbid fascination is kicking in, wondering how in the F someone pitched this to anyone on the right side of a psychiatric eval and got money for it. I can’t wager that the sum was too much, as throwing some Rustoleum

ehyaaaaa...don’t know what to think of this. The cars look good, and not overly festooned like high-perf Vs from last generation. But those are HELLA power decreases; bad enough that it hearkens back to the Malaise Era when there were massive power decreases from generation to the very next; but at least that was

The Journey is definitely a value/cash-on-hood type of car purchase. The fully loaded GT models “sticker” in the $35-38k range, but I’d be amazed if you couldn’t get it down to $30k...$28k even. Too bad it has terrible crash ratings, because for a 3-row that has cheap access to 283hp, a good-enough interior with

My honest assessment is, if you’re not going to get the SI, get a Mazda3. Somewhat worse infotainment, yes, but they look so much classier, are much more mature inside, and you get almost 30hp more (not sure if Mazda is still offering the manual in 3S-GTs though). The Mazda3S-GT is plenty sporty, and the chassis is