
I’m honestly surprised the TT has made it this far. Like the Mercedes SLK/SLC, and to a somewhat lesser extent the BMW Z4, the TT has been on of those “oh right, they still make that” kind of cars. Hardly ever see ‘em, even in parts of town that can afford them with abandon. I love me some TT RS, but the TT is well

The facts of this story are evident even from a “seat of the pants” perspective. I continue to be amazed at how many cars from the mid-00s are commanding prices above $7k even with decently high miles. And that’s including American brands. Look for some recent oldies-but-goodies like a 2006-2008 8th-gen Civic Si

Some idiot tried doing a very abbreviated version of this to me last week.

CORRECTION: This is not a trend if it’s been going on for a long time. 

They seriously had to have had several Mass Effect fans on the design team. That car’s face is the auto-embodiment of a Turian.

Here are my guesses:

I’d ask “are you freaking serious?!” but then I’d remember I should know better than to question reality TV’s tireless search for ever more mundane, navel-gazingly esoteric, scum-skimming vacuity. So if there are many seasons of grown-ass adults running around with flashlights in abandoned houses pretending there are

No, you brought that into it. The story said “increased voter registrations”. That you take that as “Taylor Swift says we should all vote Democrat to be moral” says more about you than it does Swift or Gawker.

And for that, yet again, the GOP can be thanked.

Whatever you think of Conor, at least respect the guy.

Not BPD. That one can hit at any time. I know someone who was showing it in their late teens/early 20s.

It’s the modern 959 just for being an expensive project? I wouldn’t make that particular analogy for the LFA. In fact, I’d probably give that distinction to the current NSX. The 959 debuted some seriously wild tech for its day. I’m not sure the LFA did that for anything current other than maybe being the first use of

Worst car decisions in terms of reliability?

the street racing/drifting/stunting scene is juvenile, poorly organized, egocentric, and ultimately dangerously reckless.

What about journalists that embed with white supremacist groups and write about that? Or the ones that embed with various factions in warring countries, or in places like North Korea just to friggin’ get an idea of what life is like there?

German cars can depreciate pretty quickly, yes. But they seem to hit a floor faster than other cars. Used cars in general seem to be trending up over the last year (if the number of 10-15 year-old American cars with over 100k miles asking more than $6-7k is any indication), but German cars seem to have a prestige

This could very well be a styling thing. The Mustang really pops in certain colors, and looks more upscale. The Challenger stays fresh because of the drivetrain options and splashy headlines it grabs every 12-18 months, as well as looking its best ever.

They got it to look good on the outside, yes, but it’s still mostly the same inside, and there’s no higher-hp engine option. Put a detuned Civic Type-R lump in this and I think it would garner more looks. Just having the new brand styling, headlight tech, and A-spec options make it quite a bit more appealing, though.

More HP isn’t needed, no, but it’s still one of the most sellable metrics, if not the most. It’s why half-ton pickups regularly boast 350+hp and around 400tq *on average* these days, when 20 years ago a 1-ton dually was maybe pushing 250hp, and about that much torque. Or why there are so many “Tesla drag races X car”

On this news my friend may slightly regret having just sold his GT3 (eagerly awaiting the new one), because now all the old NA models will shoot through the roof. And this is *after* the thing slightly appreciated over the time he owned it.