
Even if someone found it, LI would dodge by saying in her day college meant a real edumacation, not like now where (insert cynical and snide GOP remark about easily offended snowflake college kids and the breezy classes they take from liberal communist professors).

There are two systems. One goes to 5.0, the other to 4.0. It’s a bit like taking either the SAT (3-digit score) or the ACT (2-digit score), but both accomplish the same thing and aren’t always in the same regions of the country or state. A 4.1 GPA would be in the 3.2+ range on the other scale. In other words, while

Ingraham, like Tucker Carlson, spun her rhetoric knob up past 11 over the last decade when she saw that her earlier polemicism wasn’t getting the kinds of views as more overt rectum-class demons like Coulter, Hannity, Savage, Limbaugh, and Beck. Granted, both Tucker and Ingraham had their moments in the late 90s/early

I’ve never seen so many “adults” flipping out over teenagers like David Hogg as I have conservatives since the Parkland incident. A guy in my FB feed posts 1702 pro-gun/Parkland teens are stupid/commanist-nazzis-gon’-kill-us-all memes a day since the shooting happened. This person I’m referring to is a grown-ass

“I hope the Democratic party and liberal media voices are taking some serious fucking notes.”

JFC what a car. BMW hasn’t had anything with class like that in a WHILE.

As do I, but in my case it’s because I used to own one. GREAT cars. Dynamically obsolete and gutless even when I had it 18 years ago. But very well put-together car, and an impressive specimen from its day. I had the slightly more attractive (IMO) facelifted 2G-B, an 87 SE 5-speed. I will find another one some day...

To quote Samuel L. Jackson, everyone in the autonomous driving industry today is thinking “Hold onto your butts...”

Oh My Christ CotD

A brag of Mustangs

Large-scale supersonic transport never became popular because of how much function has to be sacrificed to achieve supersonic speeds safely and securely. It’d be like trying to apply a race car ethic to the transportation of human; race cars are race cars for a reason, just as fighter jets don’t move more than a

A Kia sports sedan and a 12.8 quarter mile time.

Dear lord I knew luxo sedan sales were bad, but I had no idea they were THAT bad. The Lincoln Conti and Caddy CT6 only account for ~3200 total sales COMBINED, so far this year. They’ll both be lucky to see 9000 units by end of year.

Say what you will, but I still think the first Sunfire GT is a good-looking car:

What’s amazing is how many American-make concepts foretold the sales lots of the future, 15-20 years ahead of time. This is basically a Toyota CH-R, 18 years ago.

So for each of the next 10 years, he would get ~$5.6b per year? That’s basically making the net worth of Steve Jobs each year for a decade. And at the end of it, he’d be in the top 1% of 1% of 1% of 1%, in a short line behind Bezos, Buffet, Gates, and Slim. As interesting a story as that is, the social implications of

People charge that for part-out cars. $2500 is nothing for a car of any age.

NP back to front. Anyone who votes CP, ya’ll are nuts.

The Fiero is such an underrated car. Ahead of its time to a degree, perhaps not in terms of engineering, but in terms of meeting a need (think about it: Honda’s recently departed CR-Z is basically this type of car). It’s a great platform for a lot of interesting garage projects, not all of which need to be engine

That was my exact first thought, too. For 2 decades teachers have been openly reviled by the right, whose rhetoric has gotten increasingly virulent and dismissive.