
There were a ton of these back in the day. My guess is they kept the 2-door-only Offering because the Bronco II was also 2-door-only, and probably equally as utilitarian. The XJ was probably fairly posh in comparison at the time, as that SUV could readily be seen in more affluent driveways before the ZJ and original

Maybe I’m confused but I thought flat or boxer engines were inherently different from 180 V engines due to the way the pistons fired and piston position. Both are effectively flat, but one was still considered a V design because the firing order and positioning was the same as a V engine, whereas a boxer flat has sets

Weak NP for me. These things kind of need 4WD to be worth much in terms of cachet. That said, the price is low enough and the condition good enough that it’s worth the asking just as general transpo.

Sounds like they’ve gone to a lot of effort to move lengthening bits alongside the engine. To make even more room in their smaller cars, though, they could take a cue from Audi and give their I6 enough space by moving their engines so far forward as to only have the thin reassurance of plastic between spinning engine

Eh, no. Automatic CP for me.

Go to Zillow and look at pretty much any small city or township, particularly in the South or the Rust Belt. Rows and rows of houses for $35-75k.

Lumina LTZ, to be exact.

As clean as this is, its rep can’t reach escape velocity from the engine.

I think I’d leave the VW Phaeton off. The electronics demons alone would be nonstop. I remember reading a Car and Driver review of a V8 model back when they were new, and even factory fresh the writer said so many things would turn on randomly or go haywire somehow. Definitely not a sleeper used car for the cash timid.

The exact first image my mind conjured when I saw that truck’s face.

OMG, talk about getting the rug pulled out. That’s the cheapest, shittiest Camry they ever made, too.

Well, I hear an engine running, but that’s about it. You couldn’t even tell it was a Viper engine, and if there was no visual to go with it, I think anyone (unless they’re very atuned to the sound of the V10's starter motor) would think this was a V8 rig. 

Ya. The section pictured above is the one around Lockhart. But the main reason nobody takes the road is the toll. If that weren’t there, it would probably get more traffic. Are thre multiple toll stops along the way, or just at the north and south ends? (clearly I don’t live there.)

I get it, but any performance diesel does that. All the diesel drag trucks pour black smoke into the air. I watched the whole video and maybe I missed itbut I don’t think the intent behind these builds was to roll coal. That’s just a side effect of using diesels.

The whole display is an electronic graphic. Supposedly Lexus had to use a screen instead of real gauges because the V10 rev’d so fast analog needles couldn’t keep up. Thus you see every twitch of revolutions as fast and the engine computer can read them.

As long as the Explorer has black steelies with chrome caps, you’ll be more than safe assuming its the Po-Po if there’s no other markings that explicitly say “Police”. In fact nearly anything with black steelies, whether it’s a Tahoe, Charger, Explorer, Taurus, etc., is more than likely the police. Even the odd pony

This guy must have some sort of mental illness. Every time he pops up in the news, he’s doing something stupid and spouting off about critics, usually using some comforting straw man argument he concocted on the spot to make himself feel smug and self-righteous.

Torque limiting != lack of ability. It just means that Ford (or any other manufacturer) had to build some reigns for their horses. Even if the transmission could take the power that far down (which it likely can), there’s the issue of unnecessary wheel spin because you’re throwing 900+ torque down a driveshaft to, at

There aren’t any cheap enough yet, but I was going to say Chevy SS. Wrap the daily driver and fun car into one. The Pontiac G8 and GTO were mentioned, though, so the Chevy SS is pretty much covered by those.

Too Far To Care is an earth-shatteringly great album back to front.