
I actually really liked him in his first season (season 4). When he came back to compete in all-stars he came across really arrogant and was basically like, I should've won last time so I will win now.

I love Brooke, but I feel like she probably should've gone home and Tom invoked his veto card…it's so obvious (maybe just to me) that he usually has final say. i will miss Sylva, I was rooting for him!

Ben Mendelsohn for win please! So happy he's nominated.

"I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona." - Lucille Bluth

Blues Traveler, Four - I was ten. I loved and still love that album.

Yeah I think they are about the same age - Howard more than likely went to law school right out of college where as Jimmy got his law start later on in his life.

Rhonda yelling "I'm pregnant!" made me groan outloud. I enjoy this show thoroughly, but come, that's a little soapy even for this show

I finally had convinced my husband to give this show a shot last night…wrong episode to impress him with.

I do remember a few episodes ago when Malcolm and Cookie first met (at the security check in), I felt there was a spark between them. Cookie looked back at him after he let her in with a "Damn, that man is fine" look

Yes! I noticed that too. Was Amy eating pho?

I don't know the answer to that, but I think the intense pain of having your throat slit/knowing you were going to die would make me drop to the ground immediately, not drop dead per se, but definitely drop to the ground.

When I just read the title of Game of Thrones "The Rains of Castamere" my stomach dropped and I skipped over the paragraph explaining it.

Mimi-Rose is the most manipulative person I've seen. I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth, and I don't believe she has self-doubt about her work or her life, but perhaps that is just the pessimist in me. Don't be fooled by her Hannah and Adam!

Stan is the hottest guy on Mad Men

Is it me or is the Penguin's face getting blotchier every episode? Forgive the ignorance since I'm not a hardcore Batman fan, but is that part of the Penguin's appearance/story or are the makeup artists getting lazy?

Do you think it's improved since his first appearance as a contenstant in season 4?

Hear Hear. I also actually don't even find him that boring, he's extremely pleasant and very gracious. I guess it's not "reality TV" interesting but it was certainly a breath of fresh air from the awfulness that was Nick last season.